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Hello haha

Bet you've been wondering where I've been for the past hundred years huh?

So this is the author here. You're most likely here because of the original version of the book, and if you are, welcome back! And if not, welcome!

After looking at a mere paragraph of my previous work, I wanted to cringe in embarrassment. You guys seriously enjoy reading the trash that my 13-year-old self pulled out of their hopelessly romantic ass?

Anyways, that's not the point, we're done roasting my past self.

I initially wanted to post all the chapters at once, like I am for an upcoming story, but I got impatient, and the other story is a special case, so keep your eyes peeled. ;)

Secondly, my writing has significantly improved since I was 13, and as my readers, you deserve better, and as myself, I deserve more followers, so I'm going to write more books and hopefully get more clout.

My updates are rather slow, since I have 0 motivation, but I try. For you guys. And the clout. B)


though if I did get sued because they thought I was the actual author I'd feel honoured.

And then really pissed.

That being said, I don't own the Wings of Fire franchise, it belongs to Tui T. Sutherland, blah blah blah, all that fun stuff. If I did own the franchise many changes would be made but oh well.


Another things is, it's been a while since I read the books— I've fallen a little out of the fandom— and I have a new fixation— so that's fun. I'll do my best to keep the characters in character, although, there are a few minor changes I've made. I'm not sure if that makes them actually canonical though, because the last time I've heard Kinkajou say anything was in a really bad fic where she's literally just a walking rainbow and they use colons to talk: like this.

Same with Winter- he's usually depicted as a gay little emo boy who's bisexual for Qibili and heartbroken over moon- and even though I have nothing against Qinter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm sticking to canon because that's cute too.

Same with- well I suppose every other character I guess. Spicing them up and making them feel a little more- idk, real. Also idk how people forgot that Tamarin likes healing- she and Peregrine specifically requested a healing class- so I'm making them friends and Tamarin a healer's assistant.

Also if you noticed how my typing has slowly changed from perfect spelling and grammar to emo gamerkid abbreviations, extra brownie points, you get a gold star. or something like that.

For the sake of seeming professional and aesthetic and yada yada, I'll put a word count at the bottom and keep my author's notes, if it has any, at a minimum.

I would like to say there are a few trigger warnings- such as swearing in a derogatory manner, mentions of a mafia-like organisation, treason, possible regicide, (which by the way, regicide is my favourite word) and maybe even dragons blowing shit up for fun just because I feel like it, idk.

Oh yeah and death. Did I mention death? Kinda a given but alright.

Anyways have fun, and I'll leave with my classic sign off, for the sake of old times.

Remember to Be Kind, Keep Dreaming, and Stay Unique!

— CastChance ⧖

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