Part One - Chapter Four

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Queen Glory

Queen Glory clutched her head in her talons, shaking her head and looking back to the meeting, which was in total disarray. Queen Snowfall and Queen Coral were arguing over something that started as Coral trying to give Snowfall advice, but now it's become completely nonsensical. Ruby, Thorn, and Moorhen were doing their best to split it up and Deathbringer wasn't sure how to help.

"Everyone, QUIET," Glory roared. Everyone stopped, Snowfall and Coral seeming a bit embarrassed at their actions.

She sighed and composed herself.

"I think we all just need a break, alright? Give us all time to think of our actions and then in 10 minutes we can come back and discuss the real reason we're meeting here today," she reminded, "to trade information, make allies, and heal from the Great War."

The Queens sighed, some in relief, others to blow off steam- quite literally. As Snowfall sighed, a little puff of steam came from her snout since the rainforest was so warm. Ruby had smoke coming from her nostrils- one could tell she was really holding back.

Thorn nodded in agreement to Glory's statement.

"You heard her guys," Thorn said, gentle yet firm, "Let's take a break. I know we're not in the best of sorts. See you in ten minutes."

With that, Thorn decided to walk out, both so that the more prideful queens would be more willing to do so since someone else had done it first, and to show that she wanted to keep the peace. Slowly, one by one, the rest dispersed, leaving Glory.

Glory gave her own sigh as well, before turning to the door, Sequence right outside.

"Hello Sequence, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Glory asked politely, when in truth she just wanted to be left alone.

"Well- it's irrelevant now," Sequence said with a small awkward smile, asking, "the meeting is ending so soon?"

"Things got a bit heated, so we've decided it was best to take a break," Glory responded, her eyes analysing Sequence. She was a generally nervous and awkward dragon around Glory, but right now she seemed extra fidgety, as if she was waiting for something to happen.

"How's the project coming along?" Glory asked. Maybe that's what has her nerves up.

"Sorry- what?" Sequence asked, snapping to attention, "Oh- uh- apologies my Queen, what project?"

Glory raised an eyebrow.

"The Rainwing Village Reconstruction Project that Mangrove is overseeing?" Glory questioned.

"Oh- ah- yes!" Sequence said, still somewhat nervous, "I don't quite have the updated details for that yet, but the last I checked they need- uh more materials. More clay, specifically."

"I see," Glory said, tearing her gaze away from Sequence, instead admiring the view of the Rainforest, looking down at the ground from the treetop balcony.

"Sequence," Glory started, "I know you're a great and capable dragon, with many talents and abilities. I know with enough experience, you could be a good leader one day. But recently I've been noticing things. You're more forgetful, more nervous, more closed off. Is there anything going on in your life? Anything I need to know or that I may help you with?"

Sequence looked away.

"No my Queen. I'm fine," she said, her smile a thin line.

An obvious lie, but Glory understood. When Glory was younger she didn't tell others how she truly felt or what was going on with her either. She didn't want to burden others around her with worrying about her feelings, so Glory resorted to sarcastic comments and sometimes even insults to hide it. She hated taking help from anyone, and to an extent she still does.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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