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"Niall!Niall! Are you okay?" Zayn was leaning over the fragile body, covered in drips and monitors.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" Niall asked weakly, his Irish accent clearly evident.

"Thank God... I nearly had a heart attack!" Harry popped up from somewhere back in the room, running his hand through his hair anxiously.

"What happened?" Niall slurred, the drugs they were pumping in him had started to take effect.

"You dropped, man. You just fainted during 'One Thing'" Liam whispered, looking concerned.

"When...?" Niall replied weakly, already drifting into a deep slumber

"An hour ago..." Liam managed to say before all went dark.


"Pulmonary fibrosis is characterized by lung scarring that leads to lung tissue to thicken. Symptoms include shortness of breath, a dry cough, lethargy, chest discomfort and weight loss." The nurse began, looking emotionless.

"I must ask you, have you ever noticed any of these symptoms?" She inquired. Strictly business-like.

"No... not from the normal colds and flus we all get..." Liam said thoughtfully, recalling events carefully from his memory.

"Smoking, pollutants and certain medications cause this condition, and medical intervention reduces some of pulmonary fibrosis complications, although judging from Mr Horans' medical records and the tests we've done, it seems that he is neither a smoker, or allergic to any medication and we highly doubt that any medication during this stage of development will help him" She looked momentarily confused, almost summing up the equation in her head.

"This leaves the reason for this disease to evolve a mystery to us, so more tests will be taken, all precautions secured. We have no time to waste. Although you must understand, Niall will never sing again."

The nurses' voice faded out once again as Niall fell in and out of consciousness, his mind operating considerably fast.


"Breaking News! Niall Horan, from the world-wide known boy band '1 Direction' had collapsed during their 'all around the world tour' in Birmingham, UK.The hospital had said that his condition is stable, as the hospital is swarming with 1D fans' The news reporter read out, her voice loud and important sounding.

Louis grabbed the remote and turned the T.V off, his lips pursed tightly into a straight line. A single worry line had woven onto his forehead, making him look a couple years older. There were no jokes from the lads tonight, no play-fights, rehearsals or midnight feasts. Not without Niall, they all felt out of place.

"It was all my fault" Harry said slowly, almost as if he was muttering to himself. Though Zayn's head snapped up as if he'd shouted it out to the world.

"No. It was mine, I'd seen that he'd looked pale before we even got off the tour bus... yet I didn't say anything" He choked. They all fell to a silence.

"It's no one's fault. We just now need to hope that he'll be okay and pray for him." Liam spoke, with such re-assurance in his voice it made everyone go silent for yet another moment.

"You're right. We need to keep hope" Louis added, drawing a deep breath he got up and walked into one of the bedrooms in the hotel suite.

"But..." Zayn began, but was soon cut off my Harry "He's right. There's nothing more we can do..."


"We just want our fans to help us and pray for Niall, just hope everything will be okay... He, uh" Zayn choked on yet another tear that day, the camera's zooming in, the fans momentarily silent as Liam patted Zayn on the arm, offering brotherly support.

It was still a shock for all the boys. No one could yet believe what was happening. Niall's condition had worsened to 'critical' within the last week, he hadn't been in consciousness for the past three days and had to have drips feed him, remove waste and keep him alive.

The doctors were now considering waking Niall up from his coma, although they fully knew what a dangerous procedure it would be, but they could not keep him alive by drugs for long. Though this information was kept from public press, all was secured and confidential.

Zayn had seemed to be taking it the worst, he'd been choking on tears since the day Niall fainted, his emotions on a permanent spring, making him feel like everything was impossible. No new songs, performances or routines had been practised, no performances made. All schedules gone wayward and shows cancelled. No one was going anywhere without Niall.

"We know that he has a lung condition, but that is all we are able to say, and if that is all we would like to excuse ourselves..." Liam finished, his tone carefully controlled, his face masking his emotions, but inside he felt like a brother was on hanging on to life by a thread.


Liam sat in the kitchen of their temporary 'club house', lights off and total silence, even the familiar noise of the lads snoring in the other room felt alien. He felt dreadful, barely any sleep and constant worries about Niall, 1D, and what the future beholds.

When he heard a padding of footsteps, he was startled and nearly fell off the chair he was sitting on.

"Jesus Zayn! What the fuck are you fucking trying to do?!" He whisper-yelled

"Stop swearing so much, you're turning into a Niall no.2" Zayn replied gently, a faint smile touching his lips.

"Don't talk like that. You make it seem like he's dead" Liam uttered, his tone dropping at the word 'dead'.

"I know, I'm sorry, but...I'm so worried, he'd never shown any sign of pain or being ill..." Zayn said and at last let the tears fall, no longer having to contain himself like when he was in public.

"I know. He'll be fine. I know he will" Liam held Zayn in his arms in a very brotherly hug of support and understanding as images of Niall and all they went through together flashed through his mind.

"Niall... Come back" Zayn muttered


"Thank you for coming in, we have the results of our examinations and we have to unfortunately let you know that... Niall has approximately three months to live" The doctor stated, pronouncing every letter.

Mouths hung open, Zayn, Louis and Liam burst out crying. Louis trying to stay strong and comfort the boys, but tragedy had struck. Their beloved brother, band mate and best friend had his life cut short. To Three months.

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