Chapter four

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Niall's POV

I'd awoken to the sound of my mother yelling frantically at my father; their voices rising by the moment. I didn't understand what they were talking about at first, I didn't comprehend properly, until it hit me with sudden force that the rest of my band-members were missing.

How could this happen? Who?

"I don't care Bobby! I only came back to this household to take care of my baby! I had to tell him! There was no choice! He would've found out-

"He wouldn't have! No one would've told him! He didn't need to know, I'm pretty sure the boys will turn up, you just had to open your big mouth before we got news!"

That was my father. I could hear in his tone that he was on the verge of snapping. It suddenly made me feel miserable, remembering that my parents had made the decision to lead separate lives, and even my own death forth-coming couldn't prevent them from arguing... That's why they divorced in the first place, I guess.

He was mad. He was now yelling at my mother for telling me the truth. I had to stop them both; though I knew I wasn't strong enough to get out of the bed that I didn't even recognise. Wait... Where am I? Damn, they must've taken me to that private hospital...How though? I don't remember getting changed and in this bed...Oh no, please don't tell me they had to change my clothes while I passed out... ugh, lets just hope it was my parents who changed my clothing.

"Mom!Dad!" I yelled, although by the sounds of it I don't think they heard me.

After a brief silence I heard my mother say gloomily "Bobby, Niall is calling us." She sounded cold, not forgiving like she'd always been, but cold and distant.

I heard footsteps and prepared a speech in my head... I usually tend to do this so that I'm not put in awkward situations.

"Yes son?" My dad's head popped in through the door.

"Dad, come in. Mom?" I asked.

"Yes?" She replied somewhere behind my father.

"Come in please" I said, using good manners and just being polite. They came in and settled themselves down on the comfortable chairs by my bed.

"Where am I?" I figured the first thing's first.

"You're in the private hospital honey, you'll be fine. We have some nice nurses to take care of you" My mother replied, trying to keep a smiling face although I could clearly see she was struggling.

"I figured so... secondly, please can you tell me what happened to the lads?" I needed to know, I just needed to.

"Son, not right now. You're not strong enough" My father said firmly, clearly not about to give in. Well I wasn't letting them leave without an answer, we're just as stubborn as each other, but one will have to crack and I'm determined that it won't be me.

"Dad. Tell me." I said, motioning for him to carry on speaking.

"I said no" He got up to leave

"Dad! Sit down! I need to know, I'm not going to pass out or the like, I was just weak. Now tell me" like I said, I wasn't gonna let him leave without giving me an answer.

"Fine" He sighed, looking much older than his age "But bear this on your own shoulders"

"Bobby" My mother warned, giving him a hard glare "I think he has enough to 'bear on his shoulders' as it is."

"Maura, be quiet. I'll tell him without your permission" I could feel the tense aura around them. I sat expectantly, waiting for their good reasoning.

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