Chapter seven

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Niall's POV

I decided to call her anyway... Afterall I did only have three months to live, well less now, but I had to take my chances. But images of Kendall swam through my head, that beautiful face and that body... something was warning me off...something quiet dangerous. I liked it!

I dialled the number on my iphone and sat quietly whilst it connected.


"Hi, Kendall? It's Niall"

"Oh, Niall...hi"

Talk about awkward! But I aint letting this slip, it's my last chance.

"Uh, I was wondering... would you like to meet up somewhere?"

"You're in a hospital, connected to machines...You can't really 'meet up' with me"

"Oh no, I'm being discharged what about it?"

"We'll see"

And the line went dead. Man, this girl knew how to push my buttons whilst still being so sexy!

I sat there for a moment, dumbfounded. Then my phone bleeped.

This is Aura. Soz K is being a bitch. U'll see her again. Promise.

I looked at the phone and smiled. Hah, Her sister is nothing like her...but I know who she's get on really well with... Louis.

Then it hit me. Hard. My head hit the pillow, and the smile wiped off my face as the sudden realisation hit me. I've been trying to avoid thinking about this as I probably wasn't even strong enough to consider it...but now, guilt stricken and aching from worry I finally let myself think about where my boys were...

There hasn't been any news...It's been a week, and still no one knows where they've gone off to. We've got enough money to hire the best agents and all of the army for all we need, but it doesn't seem to be working... They're no-where to be seen.

I miss them so much. I just hope they're okay.


"Breaking News! We have received a ransom! Yes, a ransom for the four pop-stars from '1 Direction!' The mystery kidnapper had called the police station just over an hour ago and demanded a ransom of 15 million pounds!"

"What?!" I felt myself scream

"Niall, honey, calm down! It's okay...we'll sort this out...just, uh, sleep honey" My mother tried to calm me down.

"What?! No! I'm tired of sleeping! I need to do something! I need to help them! I feel so fucking useless sitting here from day to day! I'm meant to be discharged later today! Mom, I'm not gonna sit around!"

I was fuming...My brothers...They've been kidnapped and they expect me to sit around and wait for some agent to sort this out?! I don't fucking think so! I need to do something!

I pushed the blankets aside and ripped the needles out of my arm, the machinery they had installed that afternoon started bleeping loudly, I didn't look at it twice as I stepped off the bed and made my way towards the door.

"Son! Son! Sit down! Where are you going?!" My father yelled after me, eventually stepping in my way.

I was so angry I very nearly pushed him out of the way, instead I stood there, my stance determined. "Move...please" I added after realising how harsh my tone was and that my jaw had been clenched tightly, enough to hurt.

"You are not leaving this room." He stated simply, matter-of-fact-tone.

"Watch me. I'm not sitting here, whilst my friends are Kidnapped!" I said and started walking towards the door when two nurses appeared out of no-where and all I felt was needles in my arm.

They'd drugged me. I looked at my father.

"I'm sorry son...we don't want you doing something crazy"


I should've said something like 1 billion pounds! But eh, I think it'll be enough...for now. That reminds me... I need to feed those mother-fuckers. I guess they're pretty bored. Well so am I... Maybe the fun should begin?

Harry's POV

There they were again. The footsteps. More hurried this time... I'd finally stopped vomiting and had had to sit in the stench for ages until he/she cleaned it up. They made sure to punish me for the mess I'd made.

"Now, ladies... we are going to have some fun! Just think of it as a sleepover" The voice said. No, growled.

"Right...let's start with our lips? You know what they do...lipsticks, make-overs... hahah"

I heard a gasp, then a struggle. I couldn't identify who the kidnapper had a hold off... But my blood ran cold at the snuffles, almost like crying... I didn't blame him, I would've cried too.

"Now. Hi, I'm Lisa Simpson!" Said the voice, putting on an accent, sounding like a girl "What's your name girlie?"


"Now Liam sweetie, lie down on this desk...there's a good girl!" The voice made a quiver of sweat fall down my back... I couldn't think of anything but what it was about to do to Liam.

"Now" It dropped the accent, the voice ugly and loud once again "Hands behind your back"

I think Liam did what he's been instructed because then all went quiet.

"Now, if I were you, I'd keep your mouth shut"


The ear-piercing scream that escaped Liams' mouth made my heart drop and I froze in mid-breath.


Liam's POV

"Now, If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut"

Then a piercing stab went through my bottom lip and the pain was unbearable. I let out a blood-stirring scream as the sharp object pierced through my lip and went through my lower gum by accident as I had opened my mouth and caused it to move.

"You dumbass mother-fucker! I said fucking keep your mouth shut!" The voice screamed at me, but I could barely hear as yet again the piercing pain went through my top lip, then bottom again and just before I passed out, I found it hard to open my mouth.

The Kidnapper had sown my mouth shut.


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