Chapter eight

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Niall's POV

What...what had happened? I was just walking to the door... I need to help the others! They might be in pain, in danger and maybe even on the verge of death! My mind kept imagining all of the worst things that could possibly happen and I couldn't stop it. A sudden urge told me to get up and help, until I felt eyes on me. I stopped mid-movement of tossing my sheets and swivelled my head around to meet the unknown gaze.

"Kendall?" The name escaped my lips before I could stop it and gain control.

"Yes. I see you've stopped the action of removing the sheet. Good choice. You're naked" She said, completely monotone. Usually girls would blush at such a fact but she did not, she just looked unimpressed.

"Oh" I began, then smiled cheekily as my mind caught on, recovering from the momentarily shock "And you know that how?"

"Please, your chest is on view. It's obvious enough" she rolled her eyes which were carefully made up with a bit of eyeliner and white shimmer shadow at the sides. I remembered all of these products because of the time when Louis' girlfriend tried to teach me. I smiled at the memory.

"Fair enough, fair enough" I shrugged then asked "So, came back for more of this" I said and flexed my biceps.

She actually let out a playful giggle then quickly smothered it with a fake cough. But I saw it and it made me smile, something tells me this girl doesn't laugh half enough than she should.

"You wish" She covered it up, returning to no-emotion face, reminding me of Kristen Stewart.

"Nah, seriously..." I began then remembered that my mates needed me; that no matter who was in this room, I had to leave. I had to find them. I had to help!

"I'm sorry Kendall, I have to go. Excuse me" I finished and pulled on the sheets then quickly froze, remembering that I was indeed naked, yet again wondering who had taken my clothes off I grabbed the dressing gown on the nearby chair and covered myself.

I got up and started to make my way to the door, when before I even blinked, Kendall appeared next to me and touched my arm. Damn, that touch. It made me freeze all over, energy colliding. As if she'd felt it too, she removed her hand quickly and looked me in the eyes.

"This" She breathed "Is why I'm here..." and gently pushed me back towards the bed. The energy between us so strong, the connection made me want to kiss her so bad.

But I knew I had to resist, my friends meant much more than this...stranger "No, Kendall. Please. I have to go"

"And do what?" She asked coldly "Help them? How?"

I froze. The mood had changed within seconds and now she felt completely distant. Wait, how did she know what I was talking about?

"How did you know?"

"Know what?" She asked, distracted by a speck of dirt on her shoulder

"That I was talking about them?" I asked, looking at her. Thinking of how she knew I was thinking about the rest of 1Direction.

"Uh..." She lost her balance for a moment, then her cool act returned and she replied "I heard on the news, and besides I figured you'd be trying to help them. And your parents told me...that you'd try and, uh, go help"

She seemed a bit dazed and struggling for an answer, but I didn't mind. It was probably the fact that I was indeed a big pop-teen sensation, not being big-headed or anything; but it does have its advantages sometimes, even to make beautiful goddesses' struggle for words.

"I have to go. I have to do something" I almost choked, remembering my best mates and all the times we'd had together. Hold yourself together bro, there's a chick here! My inner voice scolded me.

"What can you do?" She asked, raising her eyebrows and crossing the room to one corner, fiddling with a piece of wire.

"D'you know where they are?" She tossed the wire to her left hand.

"D'you have any idea whether they're separated?" Her right hand.

"D'you even know if they're all together?" Left hand again.

"D'you know I they're even alive?" She dropped the wire altogether, making me jump as the words and her actions summarised how I felt. Drop. Down. Give up. Weak. Useless.

She turned back and looked at me...that little piece of darkness in her eyes made me even more attracted to her. She was one of those people who thought deeply, and beyond most people's abilities. I like that.

"You're right" I swallowed as the effect wore off. It's true. I can do nothing; I know nothing, so best leave it to the professionals.

"Of course I am" She smiled, her pearly white teeth gleaming. Damn, she's beautiful...

"Now, let's make the best of our time" She continued and made herself welcome on the side of my bed.

I joined her and lay down, looked at her from the corner of my eye and thanked the big guy for bringing this gorgeous creature into my room. I was getting ready to talk and planning on what I was gonna ask her when she pulled out a book.


I was momentarily puzzled and quickly recovered asking "You read?"

"Well no, I just stare at the pictures to pass time" She said sarcastically. Good thing I picked up on the sarcasm otherwise I would've looked like a complete douche.

I peeked at the cover and realised she was reading 'He said He loved me...'Wow, didn't know she was a fan of romances. I decided to be clever and question her about it.

"You read romances?"

"No, I eat them" She replied without even looking up. This time the note of sarcasm was hard to define but I understood.

"Hahah" I said, making sure that I made it sound sarcastic.

A sudden 'brriiinnng' went off somewhere in the room and Kendall jumped up, dropping her book in such a haste to get to her phone. As she dropped the book I saw the cover come off to reveal another: Grim Tales.

Hhahaha! She so faked that! I decided to tease her about it.

"Nice romance, is it about dead people?" I said

"Oh..." She blushed. She actually blushed! Then answered her phone, holding a finger up, almost saying '1 minute'.

"Yeah...uh-huh. Okay. Tomorrow." Then she hung up.

"What, no 'bye babyyy! Love you my darling boyfriend!'" I put on a girly voice, a smart way of finding out whether she has a boyfriend.

"No, and no boyfriend. Now, be quiet I wanna read"


Kendall's POV

What was I doing going over there in the first place? I should've known better...

But there was something about this cheeky, good-for nothing, Irish lad that had my nerves on edge... I giggled because of him! Why?! Why would I want to giggle in front of him?! I haven't giggled in...way too long and I'm not planning on starting to do so any time soon.

I blushed! Oh my lord...what is happening to me?! I blushed! I have never ever blushed before...

Why does he have this effect on me? I'd better not start going soft! I swear I will not! It's just not worth it...

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