Chapter fourteen

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Niall's POV

"Hahahaha!" Kendall's laugh brought the night to life, her smile shone brightly and her eyes were gleaming with pure happiness.

Over the short period of time that I had gotten to know her, I had never seen her look so careless, so free and happy... And I was glad it was I who was making her feel this way.

"What?" She asked, noticing the little smile smile on my face.

"Nothing" I smiled and walked ahead in the now-empty street, light by the street lights, so perfectly romantic.

"Seriously!" She squealed and ran after me. She squealed. Wow.

I spun around quickly on my heels and Kendall was brought to a stop as her body collided with mine. Our breath's as one. Our heart rates speeding. Kendall and I.

"Kendall" I muttered, leaning down, resting my lips on her cheek, slowly sliding down and kissing her neck.

I heard a slight gasp escape her throat and a fire began to burn within me as this sound made me so unconditionally happy, it made me want to make her mine and mine only.

"Niall..." She whispered and I pulled back, I didn't want to do anything that would make her uncomfortable or make her afraid of me.

"Yeah" I whispered, noticing that I'm unable to raise my voice by another decibel; she just seemed so fragile, like any sudden movement would break her, tear her from me.

Never in my life had I ever seen such a strong figure, such a determined person turn to a sensitive, fragile creature like that. It made me feel strong, it made me even more aware of her beauty, of her grace, of...her.

Yet it also made me more aware of how much I wanted her. I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind and pulled back to look into her eyes. Those beautiful eyes. Ones that masked her emotions so perfectly, yet revealed so much when she wanted to.

"Tell me to stop" I said to her.

I waited for a second. Two. Then I couldn't take it any longer as I took her to my embrace and kissed her passionately on the lips, her flesh soft and warm. Luscious lips and all. My tongue asked for invitation and she freely opened, our tongues touching, tentatively at first, then gaining confidence with every touch.

The kiss signified so much more to me than any other kiss I'd ever had. She was the one... I hope she knew that.

We pulled back for breath and I put my hands on her jaw and looked intently into her eyes.

"Kendall...tell me you don't want me to kiss you again"

"If I said no I would be lying" she allowed a small smile and I took that as a sign as I leaned in and took her lips in mine once more.


Liam's POV

"Get up!!" It screamed, high pitched and painful to my sensitive ears.

We obeyed, as usual.

I didn't know what to do, our hands have been untied and I felt as though maybe this was my chance to make a run for it, but then I heard it. The click. Of a gun.

I froze.


"You pieces of shit!! Why couldn't you just-

It choked. Almost as if on the verge on tears. I couldn't believe it, at first I thought I'd heard it wrong, but no, definitely crying. I let my mind wonder why for a second until I felt a pull on my numb hands.

"Move, you son of a bitch!!!" Through tears the voice called, and I began to move.

What? What's happening? Am I going to die this way?

"Stand still, you bastard! You've no idea how many problem's you've all caused me, if only I ignored it! If only! But no, you shit-heads get involved, you screw things over, you-

"Well maybe you shouldn't have fucking kidnapped us in the first place!" I heard a shout, the voice clearly Harry's and I immediately felt scared for him. For us.

The hands roughly released me and I fell backwards, my head knocking the hard concrete, and I heard a crack as my skull blatantly caved in, and I felt warm, thick liquid fall over my face.

"You fuck!"




Kendall's POV

The kisses. All those kisses. Just perfection.

We pulled back once more, and he removed his hands from hair and I suddenly felt naked.But only to be replaced, enwitted in my fingers, almost as if it were always meant to be. And I felt safe. Safe for once.

"Let's go to my place" Niall said and for once I didn't protest, I didn't care, just wanted to be with him.

He took my hand and led me down the street, he squeezed my hand and that made me feel content. Like tonight couldn't get any better. And I hope it won't get any worse...


Louis' POV

I heard Liam fall, then straight after Harry collapsed next to me, I'm pretty certain he was hit by the butt of the gun and it made me wince.

"Please stop...please...just leave us alone" I begged, I knew it wouldn't do us any good, but I had to try.

I heard the breathing hitch and slow down, then footsteps walking towards me. I jumped when there was a slight hiss right by my ear.

"Well Louis... I can't my dear boy" it gently patted my head, running its hands through my hair. I couldn't help but shudder under the touch.

" you know..." It whispered "I would if I could... But you're too far into this deep shit"

My mind was in overactive mode and I decided to take my chances and negotiate. At least try and save our lives.

"Please, just...just drop us off somewhere...everything will be okay, nothing will happen, everything will...will be forgotten" I ran out words, I just stuttered.

"But my dear boy...I think you of all of us here would know better. We can't do that now can we? Technology is too advanced, I cannot take risks, now can I?"

Then that's when I heard it. And it knocked the wind out of me. My mouth hung open as the footsteps retraced.

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