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Dear, esteemed guest

You're invited to my dinner party.
Please dress appropriately, as it's a special occasion.
Plan to stay the night, for there will be alcoholic beverages.
A sleeping area will be provided for each individual guest.
If there are conflicts of any kind, please inform me immediately.

The party starts at 6:00 pm

Signed, B. Schnieder
The Savant finishes writing the last invitation and puts all of them in their respective envelopes. He gives them to the butler, and he puts them in the mail to be sent off to the Savants' friends.
Klaus - The Mobster             (Kla-ou-se)
Stefan - The Professor             (Steph-on)
Haans - The Hunter                (ha-nz)
Jean - The Fixer                 (Je-en)
Walter - The Soldier             (wall-ter)
Evalynn - The Journalist         (Eh-vah-lin)
Rita - The Jazz Singer            (Ree-ta)
Viola - The Forensic Scientist    (Vee-o-lah)
Marigold - The Dancer             (Mare-ih-gold)
Harmonia - The Hustler             (Harm-own-iah)
The first people to arrive at the mansion were Jean and Marigold. They were 24 minutes early. Marigold always made sure that her and her husband made it early to places.

The next to arrive, not even 2 minutes later, was Rita. She always kept a good track of time.

The third to arrive was Walter; he was 15 minutes early. According to him,'A soldier should always be early.

The fourth to arrive was Stefan; he was 8 minutes early. I was surprised he was this early. He was a college professor, and college professors are almost always late.

The fifth to arrive was Evalynn; she was 6 minutes early.

The sixth to arrive was Harmonia; she was 2 minutes early. She's usually the first to arrive at places on occasion, but she ran a few errands before she came.

The seventh to arrive was Haans, he was right on time! Although he made it on time, arriving on time exactly isn't a good trait.

The eighth to arrive was Klaus, he was 4 minutes late. He's not a bad man, but he's most definitely not a good one.


The Butler, Wayne answers the door and smiles as he lets in the guests, greeting them by last name. When they all walk in, Wayne takes their belongings to their rooms. The group of friends gather in the foyer.
They were getting up to date with one another, when they realized that the person that invited them wasn't present.

"Has anyone seen Schnieder?" Stefan shouts over the group. Everyone falls silent as Jean walks over to the butler.

"Where is Schnieder?" Jean asks, everyone else looking at them.

The butler answers him, "Right there."

All of a sudden, Schnieder appears at the top of the staircase, "Good afternoon my friends." He says, his arms wide open.

"I'm enthused you all could join me!" He spoke as he walked down the steps. His hands shifted, his right hand on the railing and his left on his core.

"If you were trying to sneak up on us, it didn't work!" Rita said laughing.

"I would have definitely tried to sneak up on you, but you're all too clever, so it wouldn't have worked." Schneider responded to her, making everyone smile.

"I hate to keep you all waiting. Wayne, is dinner ready?" Schneider asks.

"Yes Mr. Schnieder," the butler responded.

"Perfect, I will lead you all to the dining room." Schneider walked in front of everyone and led them to the dining room.

"Everyone, please take your seats and make yourself hungry, dinner will be done shortly." He said as he walked away from the table into the kitchen, to talk to the staff.

" He said as he walked away from the table into the kitchen, to talk to the staff

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Everyone in the group sat at a seat as Wayne filled up their wine glasses. "Dinner should be out shortly," Schnieder smiled as he sat at the head of the table. The group acknowledged him, then parted off into their own small conversations.

People were laughing, smiling, and getting drunk. No one knew when they started to hear choking sounds, but they turned to see what was happening.

The entire group went silent to see Stefan choking on his own blood with a shocked expression plastered on his face. He begged for help but no one could hear him. His pleas, drowned out by the group screaming.




I just want to say real quick, if you did take the time to read this story I'm really happy that you did. I would say I'm a little new to writing and I started writing this a little while ago and decided to post it on here. Chapter II will be out very shortly!

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