18 3 0

They all enter the ballroom. When the door opens, it triggers the intercom to come on again.

"In tHiS rOoM, YOu WiLL FinD twO CagES, Jean and Marigold please step in..."

They look at each other "umm no" "I'm better off not" they both say looking at each other with a shocked look on each of their faces.


The intercom triggers once more, "tHe dOoR BeHInD yOu HAs bEEn CLoSed and loCKed, there's No WaY out"



"All this stress is too much for my blood pressure!"


The crowd all shouts at once.

"nO foOD, no WatEr, AnD SurRlY no LiFE iN 2-3 dAYs, and the only way the doors will open is if Jean and Marigold step forward, and into the cages." The intercom turns off.

Jean and Marigold look at each other and hug.

"I hope we make it out..." Marigold says as they hold each other close.

Jean and Marigold both step into the cages, the intercom comes on once more.

"In tHE cAGeS y0u wIlL seE aN Ax On The cEIlinG. OUTsIdE OF tHe caGe YoU ShOuld see a RoPe, beHiNd thE r°pe yOU WilL sEe a LiGHter aBoUt onE IncH AWay. ThE lIGHterS wILl turN On iN jUsT A moMEnt, oNce thE lIGhTers TuRn oN yOU wILl HaVe abOUt tHReE MiNUteS To aNSwer Some simple QueStioNS. . IF All tHrEe qUesTiOns ArE anSWereD CorRECtly, tHe dO0rs tø thE caGe AnD BAllroOm wilL oPeN. If ANswEred ÎncORrecTly, ONE 0f the aXes wiLl droP, kILliNg tHe PErson INsiDe, THe do0rS wiLl open, ßut A pair will spilt

"YOur tIMe BegINs...... NOW!"

The guests anxiously wait for a moment, just then the lighters light.


"How old is Mr. B. Schnider? Schnider may not answer."

"39! I did my homework!" Evalynn shouts with her finger in the air.

"Correct! Next, when did World War 1 end?"

They all turn and look at Walter, who looks zoned out.

He notices everyone looking at him "what was the question?" he says while looking at the floor.

"The end of World War 1, Walter" Harmonia says biting her nails. 

"Oh, one year ago, '18"

"Correct! Lastly, who will die?"

Everyone falls silent, not even a breath or heartbeat can be heard.

"Kill me. Not Marigold." Jean spoke quickly.

"I won't let you do that Jean, I won't let you sacrifice yourself for me."

"So... who do we pick?"

"They both want us to pick themselves."

"Pick me. I'm just a dancer. I won't go anywhere in life, meanwhile Jean has a business. I don't have to live." Marigold projected.

"The strings are getting low!" Schneider exclaims.

Jean and Marigold both look at each other

Jean's lighter turns off.

"WRONG!" the puzzlemaster shouts over the intercom



The rope holding Marigold's ax burned through, the ax fell.

Jean and Marigold grab hands through the metal bars


"I love you." A single tear falls down Marigold's cheek.

"No..No.. -"


All the doors open, including Marigold's.

Her lifeless body falls to the floor, a disgusting splat can be heard when she lands.

Jean ran over to Marigold's dead corpse and cradled her. "Come back... please... I don't know what to do without you." Jean whispered to Marigold's body.

The intercom comes back on for a quick moment."Sorry for your loss!"

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