Scum Man and Crying Woman

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When Jenna Sommers finds she is pregnant, she laughs for a good while then promptly denies it and buys a dozen more test kits which come out positive

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When Jenna Sommers finds she is pregnant, she laughs for a good while then promptly denies it and buys a dozen more test kits which come out positive.

Still, in denial, she goes two towns over for a gynaecologist (because one closer to the home could snitch to Greyson) and after seeing three different ones and getting the same answer from all of them "Yes Ms Sommers you are pregnant." " No Ms Sommers there is nothing wrong with our blood test."

After finally accepting she is pregnant. She seriously contemplates abortion, contemplates about smothering the spark of new life in her womb before it can grow any further and ultimately decides against it.

She knows herself, knows that whatever everyone may say if she kills this life, this fetus, her baby, she will feel guilty about her whole life, will always think about them, will always wonder if they would look like her or their father? Would they be a calm baby or an absolute menace? Would they eat their veggies or hate anything green? An endless list of questions would hound her without a single moment of rest.

So Jenna Sommers decides to give birth.

After accepting she is pregnant and she is having this baby. (Gods she is going to be a mother, she is going to give birth to a person, who decided it was a good idea to make her responsible for a living being?) She calls Mason because whatever he wants to have anything with them he needs to know.

It's the first in over two months, the first time after that one night and awkward morning.

They meet at a cafe outside of Mystic Falls. Mason sits at a table near the window side and looks up as soon as she is inside.

Jenna can readily admit that although she decided to give birth she is scared of doing this alone, scared of Mason's reaction, and scared of what her family will do.

She takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders. It is no use thinking about the next battle when she has to fight one right now. Call it women's intuition, call it the sixth sense, or call it her personal experience with scum men but from the moment she steps inside this cafe and locks eyes with Mason Lockwood she can tell the next few months are going to be hard and not just because morning sickness and sore breasts. Because somehow Jenna can feel it, this is going to be a fight and one that is going to get ugly too.

And it goes like that too. Rather than talking peacefully and making a decision together, Mason is defensive from the get-go which quickly turns into refusal of her pregnancy and being the father of her baby.

Turns into anger and judgement and blaming.

There is shouting and crying, on Jenna's part (damn these hormones), and Mason breaks his coffee cup and her water glass, thankfully salt and pepper shakers are wooden.

(And there for a heart-stopping moment she thinks the next thing he hit will be her.)

Thankfully some waiters come to help but Mason doesn't stop, doesn't listen and walks away in anger.

All she can do is wipe her tears, pay for her water and give Mason's name and number for the damage he caused. (She is petty. What about it!)

The way back home takes longer than it should and shorter than Jenna wished.

Walking towards her home Jenna's focus turns to a needle, she can hear her own heartbeat, knows she is breathing faster than normal and her ears are buzzing.

She rings the doorbell. (She is not sure where are her keys.)

"Jenna! Welcome, dearest. Did you lose your keys?"

She hears her mother's silvery voice and she clutches at the arms around her. (She is terrified this will be the last time she gets to embrace her mother.)

"Jenna? Jenna, mon cher you are scarring me. Jenna!?" the concern in her mother's voice brings him a little back to herself.

"I'm ... I'm.... pregnant." that was not what she wanted to say.

"Let's go inside." Her mother takes her to the kitchen, seats her at the table and after drinking a pot of chamomile tea she finally asks.

"Who is the father?" Jenna is still looking at the maple dining table her father made on their fifteen anniversary.

"Jenna Cybele Sommers, seallaidh tu orm agus mìnichidh tu na tha thu a' ciallachadh."

Hearing Scottish made Jenna's ears burn with phantom pain.

Jenna and Miranda have always dreaded hearing their mother talk in her mother tongue. because Aline Sommers nee McKinnon looked like a sweet, harmless woman who didn't have a single bad-tempered bone in her body but only her family and close friends knew the truth.

(There were those pitiful fools who got her ire but well they didn't even want to hear her name let alone talk about her.)

There is no turning back. Since she is going to give birth to this child she needs to face the music.

With a deep breath, she starts to tell her mother about her pregnancy and how it came about. How Logan had cheated on her with her supposed best friend and their break up. Explains to her mother this was the reason she decided to go further away for college. Tells her mother about drinking and falling into bed with Mason Lockwood and what happened today.

It is cathartic. Talking with her mother and crying on her shoulder empties Jenna in a good way.

"First of all," her mother raises her head and cleans her tears, her hands soft and careful as always "neither of those fools is worth a single tear but ı'm aware pregnancy can make you highly emotional so ı will forgive this time. Secondly," there her mother sighs and Jenna feels her heart stop "Secondly, I will not tell you I'm not disappointed or your father will not be but that is not going to change how much we love you."

Jenna can feel the all-so-familiar lump in her throat and her eyes sting again. (She just stopped crying!)

"I supported Miranda's decision to marry Greyson Gilbert out of high school so I will support your decision too, now go to your room and rest. When your father returns from the workshop we will tell him and decide what should we do."

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