Chapter 01

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Xiao Zhan woke up at his usual time early in the morning

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Xiao Zhan woke up at his usual time early in the morning. He quietly put on his slippers and covered his naked body with his favorite black robe. He stared at his husband who was quietly sleeping on the opposite side of the bed with the blanket barely covering his lower part. Zhan blushed as a smile appeared on his face. Thoughts from last night invaded his mind. He headed quietly to the bathroom before he got the urge to jump on his husband.

Zhan quickly washed his burning face to help him calm down and then brushed his teeth. He took his face cream and applied it carefully on his face. Zhan loved to take care of his face. Most of the bathroom counter was covered with his morning and night face routine products. He decided to cut it short once he saw the time on his watch. His husband's alarm would soon ring so he had to have his breakfast ready. He rushed out of the bathroom and quietly headed to the kitchen.

He put his usual pan on the stove and turned on the heat. Zhan prepared breakfast while humming his favorite song. While the soup was heating up, he opened the fridge to take out the leftovers that he carefully put away the night before and prepared his husband's lunch for work, making sure to pack everything with care inside his lunch bag.

Once the soup and rice were done, he plated it carefully and set up the table for two. He looked at the hanging calendar on the wall and smiled. August 21. Today was the appointment with the fertility doctor and their surrogate. It was the day their future child would be created. Today was the beginning of the next stage in their marriage. He smiled as he took off his apron and then the bedroom door opened.

"Baby, breakfast is ready. Come and eat," Zhan said as he pulled out a chair for his husband.

"I can't. I have to go in to work now. I forgot to set my alarm for earlier.'' he said as he finished tying his tie. He walked to the entryway of their small home and started sliding into his black dress shoes. He grabbed his keys and looked at himself in the mirror. He fixed his hair, checked his teeth, and began to open the front door.

"Wait babe... your lunch," Zhan said as he rushed over with his husband's carefully packed lunch. "Be careful. Love you. Don't forget about today." His husband grabbed the lunch bag, kissed his lips, nodded, and rushed out the door.

Xiao Zhan sighed. It was only Tuesday and this was already the 2nd time this week he didn't eat breakfast with his husband. Usually, they would sit and eat breakfast together and sometimes even make out a bit before he went to work, but he noticed his husband has been putting in extra hours at work, coming in late and leaving earlier than usual.

I'm putting in extra hours because we are planning to have a baby. I'm going to get some time off to be with you and the baby and we need the extra money to set up the nursery.

Zhan smiled at what his husband said a few nights ago. Soon there will be a baby and they needed to be prepared. The extra money would be of great help. His husband had a decent job. One that pays so well that Zhan was able to stay home, which he hated. He wanted to work. Being at home was boring. Especially since there were no children to look after.

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