Chapter 08

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It was the heart of December, and Zhan had just taken all his final exams, leaving only one task remaining—submitting the project he had collaborated on with Wang Yibo. Once that was done, he could enjoy his very well earned Christmas vacation. 

"Hey BoBo," Zhan greeted, catching Yibo's attention with that beautiful smile that outshone the sun as he strolled down the hallway towards him. They just needed to turn in their final project, and they were done with the fall semester.

"Hey Zhan-ge," he said. "You got everything?"

"Yes," he said as he clutched the folder with their project in his hands and then gently knocked on the professor's door.

"Come in," their professor beckoned, and they both entered the small office. They both greeted him and handed in their final project.

The professor smiled.  "I just want to say you two did an amazing job. I am sure this final copy will be perfect. Everything you two turned in so far got the highest marks."

"Thank you," both Zhan and Yibo replied in unison.

"Yibo, I know you basically have it made because you and your brother inherited the hotel from your uncle, but I'm very proud of you. I know you told me you did not want to take these classes, and that your uncle forced you to get a degree just like he did your brother. When the hotel becomes yours to run, I know it will be in good hands."

"Thank you, Professor."

"And if you want it to be even better make sure you hire him," he said pointing to Zhan. "You two make a great team."

"That's exactly what I'll do. Thank you." They both said their goodbyes and left the professor's office.

"I'm so glad that's over with," Zhan said happily.

"You're happy you don't get to work with me anymore?" Yibo pouted.

"That's not what I said, BoBo," he looked at his phone and then asked, "do you have any plans? I am meeting Meng Ziyi for a lunch date. You want to come along?"

"Sure, want to go together?" he said hoping he could get as close to Zhan as he could before they would go their separate paths.

Zhan noticed the smirk that formed on his face, but ignored it. "Sure," he replied. Feeling the excitement of having to sit behind Yibo and holding onto him tightly.  

Zhan gave him the directions to the restaurant and even though Yibo knew exactly where it was, he took a few wrong turns to make the ride last longer. Zhan was tightly holding his waist; his chest was pressing hard against his back. He could feel Zhan's warm breath caressing his neck which sent shivers done his body.

"BOBO, TURN LEFT!" Zhan yelled at him after Yibo took the wrong turn for the 5th time. Now that Zhan had caught him, he headed straight for the restaurant.

As Yibo parked Zhan quickly got off almost falling, but Yibo caught his wrist and pulled him to his chest. "Careful," he said looking straight into Zhan's mesmerizing eyes.

Zhan regained his balance and then backed away from him, "Yibo... you need to stop."

"Stop what?" he asked, getting closer to Zhan again. "What exactly am I doing?" Now he was mere inches away from his face.

"Please don't make me draw a line. I... I like our friendship, and that is all it will ever be. Please... remember I'm a lot older than you, I'm married, and I have a daughter on the way."

"So what if you're 30? I'm an adult too. I can make my own decisions."

"Stop. Let's just go in, we'll talk about it later."

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