Greenish Purple, No, Purplish Green

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Izuku felt the uneasiness of the place he was, the usual forest that portrayed his split personality, the clear sky, with no clouds, no reason, and no end to his wants, it painted his innocence, also known the ignorance of his nonexistent satisfaction.

Both colors were darker, he quickly tensed up, he felt like something was closing in on him, something very unwanted, then he felt someone tap his shoulder. The sudden change in the atmosphere came from behind him, he looked back on instinct but instantly regretted it.

"Izuku" the brunette said his name, her voice weak, with a deep stab wound in her stomach, he held her body up, her breathing, unstable "If you had just let me have control, I wouldn't have to take other measures." the copy's voice made him boil with rage, he turned to where the voice seemed to come, but nothing.

He felt an empty embrace, he looked back seeing no one in his arms, leaving only her blood, he held his head in frustration and closed his eyes, he heard a scream, he wanted to vomit at the disgust he had of himself when he opened his eyes, he saw the knife in his hands, having even more blood than before, he felt like he couldn't control himself, he dove the knife deeper, as if ignoring her screaming, he removed the knife.

She fell back with a cry, he could feel his heart die from the sound of it, and he kneeled down next to her "Why did you do that?" "Tell her it's because you want her" "I didn't mean to, I-" her blood turned black, her eyes were puffy and red-rimmed and her body was cold.

Even though he was scared, he didn't want to let go of her, he didn't want her to get hurt, he didn't want her to die. "What are you waiting for? Tell her the only reason why she has to 'suffer' for your mistakes is because you couldn't even be honest with yourself." Desire appeared in front of them, Izuku ignored his taunting, continuing staring at the girl in his arms, wiping the blood on her lips.

"No one would be hurt because no one would stand in our way." He continued "If you don't take what you want now, you'll only make me stronger." Izuku felt something that he didn't understand, his body wasn't rejecting every word that came out of Desire's mouth.

"You noticed it, huh? Well that's what happened when you accept that part of you, you realize you don't care, you really wanted this, all of this, even if a part of you is remorseful, this part of you still exists." Izuku looked at the copy "We're supposed to be split, you can't affect me this way" "Look again".

Izuku looked at the green sky, the clear sky had purple clouds around "The sky is all I can get to, it represents your thoughts, your mind, looks like their not-so green and innocent after all." Izuku looked back down "The trees and grass are your 'judgment', the choices you made, I saw a little bit of green earlier and I thought I'd take care of that by reminding you-"Izuku felt her disappear from his hold.

"If you forgot the only reason they have these scars, the only reason they hurt is because of you, if you were honest with your feelings and claimed her from the beginning, you think any of this would have happened." Izuku's heart ached, and what hurt was that it wasn't in pain for thinking these things, it was in pain for not having her.

Desire smirked "Now that you know just how much you want her first-hand, what are you going to do about it?" the copy laughed leaving Izuku alone.


Izuku woke up, he immediately sat up, seeing the brunette holding his hand in her sleep. Her head was snuggled against his neck, he held her tightly.

His heart fluttered seeing how peaceful she looked, he searched for any stab wounds on instincts.

'What are you going to do about it?' the words rang in Izuku's mind, he held his head in panic.

He smiled sadly and kissed her forehead. "At least you make it a lot easier."

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