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Little author's note: Heyyy! So um I'm kinda learning writing styles and how to convey my work better, so I'm going to try writing this chapter with what I've learnt so far.

I got into the dormitory, the warmth enveloping me as the cold from the night leaves me.

Considering what I've learned in this little amount of time we spent outside, I realize I truly am a hopeless romantic.
My eyes dart to the direction of my brother already getting ready to stomach the embarrassment, I yell out to him.

"I'll give it another chance, but only cuz it's her" I say knowing we're going to have another talk, I run upstairs.

As I go upstairs I hear him as he screams , though I couldn't be sure if he was screaming because of his happiness that he was right or because he's genuinely shocked.

At this time I think I regret telling him, but I get into our dorm room and sit on my bed waiting for my stupid half brother to walk in.

I wait about six seconds and he's here panting as he shuts the door behind him.

I give him a minute to catch his breath as I stared into the moon lit sky through my window.

"Nich..." He starts as we finally take a serious tone.

I keep silent still looking out the window.

"Y'know...I was completely joking when I said I wouldn't look at you the same way if you didn't get over Taylor..." He started.

"I'll always still look you in the eye and tell you the truth-"

" Its fine Damian, I didn't decide to move on because of you" I cut him off turning to him smiling softly.

" They don't deserve to see me like that..." I say my smile almost faultered.

"Damn, what a mess Taylor made of you...what made you change your mind? My brother smiles at me , I can see the glint of happiness in his eyes.

I smile at this "I'm a hopeless romantic?" I shrug and laugh scratching my head.

"Oh come on!!" He whines grabbing my shoulder and running his hand through my hair.

" You sure it's not because you wanna get into someone's panties before Jake?" He smirks mocking me.

My eyes widen and I quickly manoeuver through his hold and I get on top of him pushing him to the bed grabbing his hand and twisting to his back till I'm sure he can't escape my hold.

"Shut the fuck up."  I say coldly.

"Ah! Ok ok ok I realize I hit a nerve I'm sorry" he pleads and I can't help but smile and let him go.

I sit back down on the bed beside him.
After he adjusts himself, he turns to me " When are you gonna tell them though?" He looked concerned.

" Do they have to know?" I said not quite in the right mind to tell them yet, I prefer they not know too much.

He smiled at me
" If you're gonna have anything to do with Angela, you're gonna need to open up sooner or later... Besides at the moment some psycho has got a bone to pick with us, if we're gonna make it through this.. we're going to need to be honest with each other"

"Whoever said anything thing about Angela?" Trying to remember if I ever mentioned her name.

" No , you didn't mention her if that's what you're thinking but I can tell, I'm your brother remember?" He laughed.

" Half" I mumbled.

" Ouch , but I know you love me and I do too, I'm just looking out for ya" he winked.

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