Strange Things Will Happen

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Uhhhh! My stomach hurts so bad! I want to stay home, but they need me at the set. It's weird, it's been hurting for a couple of days now. I don't feel nauseous or anything. I don't know, it's just strange.

I put on a sweat shirt, leggings, and Vans. I'm wearing something that's not constricting because I think it will hurt my stomach even more. I hope we're filming the choosing ceremony scene today. I don't wanna wear those tight Dauntless clothes today.

I arrive on set and head straight to my trailer. I don't really feel like talking to anyone right now. I'm really not feeling well because normally I talk to everyone. I also didn't scream "GOOD MORNING! GOOD MORNING!" when I woke up today. I open my trailer door and see my Abnegation clothes. "Yes!" I say a little too loudly. I change into my costume and right when I finish, I hear Theo telling me it's time to start filming.

I'm sitting beside Ansel and Ashley. Kate Winslet is on stage with Ray Stevenson. Ray is calling out the characters' names. This is our third time shooting this scene. The first time they wanted Kate to call them out. The second time they wanted Ray to call them out. Now we're doing a final run through, so this will be the last time filming this scene. Thank God! I love working on set and all, but I'm starting to feel dizzy and lightheaded. They call Ansel's character, and he stands and walks up the steps onto the stage. Next, they call mine. I stand and start walking. Wow I'm so dizzy! I'm walking to the stairs, then BAMMM!!!!
"Shai," I hear someone say.
"Shai. Shai." I open my eyes a little bit. I see Theo, Neil, Kate, Ansel, Ray, Ashley, and Tony all standing around me in a circle.
"Oh my God Shai! Thank God your not unconscious!" Theo says.
I sit up and ask, "What happened?" Ashley replies, "You were walking to the stairs and just face planted on the floor."
"Oh," is all I can say.
"Shai, are you feeling alright?" asks Neil.
"No, my stomach's been hurting for the past few days. It was even worse today. I kinda wanted to stay home, but y'all need me here," I say sluggishly. "Why don't you eat something. Maybe that'll help," states Ansel.
"NO!" I scream.
"Shai," starts Neil, "When was the last time you ate something?"
"Umm... I don't know like four days ago."
"FOUR DAYS AGO!!!" screams Theo. "Shai, why haven't you been eating?" asks Neil.
"Because my stomach hurts really bad," I tell him.
"Do you feel nauseous or anything?" "No, and that's the weird part."
Right when I said that, I feel a turn in my stomach. I jump up and push my way through them. I sprint to the bathroom. I make it just in time. I slam the door and lean over the toilet and puke my guts out. That's probably why I was in a tremendous amount of pain today.
When I finish puking, I get my toothbrush and brush my teeth. Right when I finish brushing, I run to the toilet again. While I'm throwing up, Theo comes in and holds my hair for me. When I finally stop, I look up embarrassed that he saw me puking. "You okay?" he asks me.
"Yeah, I'm fine now. Thanks for holding my hair," I reply with red cheeks and a shy smile.

I return to the rest of the cast, and they all ask if I'm okay. I tell them that I'm fine.
"I think you need to go home and rest. But eat some food first," says Neil. "Neil, I'm really fine. I'll feel bad if I go home, because I'm fine."
"No, it's totally fine Shai. You need to get well."
"Okay, but I'm coming back tomorrow," I tell him.
"That's totally fine," he replies.

I go to my trailer and take off my costume. I put my regular clothes back on and go to the bathroom. That's funny, it's supposed to be my time of month right now. That's weird. First I'm sick, then I miss my period.

Oh Fuck.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday like I said I would. But hey, I'm only one day behind. I hope y'all liked this chapter! I'm finally ungrounded!! I also have three days of school left! Finally I'll be out of hell. But then I have band camp so.... Anyway, drama at school is stupid. I got into a fight with my used to be best friend. We've been friends since kindergarten and she's bullied me ever since. I finally had the guts to stand up to her, and it felt great! Let's just say that she's a bitch. She swung my band books across the room in science and broke all three of them. Not to mention they cost twenty something dollars. I told her she was gonna buy me new ones and she laughed in my face. But yeah, she's moving next year so at least she won't ruin my freshman year. Uhh, I'm about to get out of school and I'm already worrying about next year. Like Shai says, "I think every teenager goes through their angst. People who are like, 'No, I had a perfect adolescence' make me wonder how that is possible." Anyway, sorry. I needed to rant.

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