Copyrights+ Description+ Warning

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All Rights Reserved.

Including all chapters, descriptions, prolouges, epilogues, and any other associated content with the exception of additional media is COPYRIGHTED.

All rights reserved by the owner and creator of the work, also known as LunaElizab (aka. Luna Elizabeth, aka. M)

Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution, or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright.


So the warning is that if you are uncomfortable with drugs, depression, alcohol, and possibly sex, please do not even try to read this story.

I'm not even going to try and keep it PG-13. This is going to be rated MA. For mature audiences!

With that being said please enjoy. All comments are welcome. Even criticism.(constructive criticism). If any of you are willing to make me a cover for this story please don't be afraid to pm me.


"What is it with you and weed?" I complained staring at the joint in between his forefinger and thumb.

"It's healthy for me, Bunny." That smirk he gave me made the butterflies in my stomach dance like never before.

Dominic believed marijuana was one of the best things for your body out there. He dabbled in the arts and in business, and now he thought about dabbling into the life of the girl who lives across the street from him. On the other hand, Miabella always believed that no matter what type of drug and/or alcohol it ruined your body's ability to function at its best. So plain and simple she stayed away from it, she wasn't a prude she was still wild at heart and she didn't need anything to prove it. And she wasn't about to prove it to her pothead neighbor.

The Influential Seed(s) 18+Where stories live. Discover now