2. Booze and a Boy

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I walked myself -in heeled booties- to the Snack Shop, which in reality was just a cheap gas station that sold beers and junk food. Apparently I wasn't allowed to take the car because Mariah was afraid I'd drive away and head home without her. Which again in reality I would do. Oh and she wasn't lying about the creepy old man. The homeless guy sat sleeping outside the door of the shop and had a sign that read,


Bad speller and all the man was creepy. He looked exactly like Mariah described him, down to his limp arm that just hung to his side lazily. I tried to avoid his gaze and quickly walk past him, but before I could grab hold of the door handle he reaches out and grabs one of the baggy sleeves of my jumpsuit with his not-so-limp hand.

"Hello there." He says to me with a toothy grin that consists of only a few teeth.

"Hi..." I say warily,"do you mind letting go of my sleeve?"

"Oh sure, sure. I think you might be interested in my cookies?" He asks me.

"No thanks.. Not looking for any visions today." I mutter and walk quickly inside the Snack Shop.

The 'shop' was barely a shop at all. It consisted of a sleeping cashier, an isle of junk food, and an isle of freezers that had cheap beer and cheap sodas. I walk past the register -hoping that the click of my heels will wake up the cashier- and head towards the back and start to fill up a bag with junk food. Chips, cookies, spicy crap, and I get myself my own bag and fill it with yogurt covered raisins, a KitKat and raspberry sweet tea. I see the different varieties of beer and just pick a random brand and grab 2 cases of it.

"Well good afternoon sunshine!" I say with a big smile on my face to the teenage, pimple-faced cashier. "It's nice to know that I can actually leave here with my morals intact."

"Huh? Hey when did you come in here?" The kid asks, who to top off his look had a big upper lip and a lisp. Poor kid, I remember when I was a brace-face.

"What I mean is that if you hadn't woken up I could've had the opportunity to just take this stuff without paying, and my morals would've been tarnished," I sighed, " thank god for you waking up." Then I smiled at him and he blushed? Aww... He's adorable. "Oh and I came in here a few minutes ago."

I put my things on the counter and with an, 'uh okay' the kid started to ring up all the junk. He was almost done scanning everything when he asked for my ID and the bell at the front of the store chimes, signaling that someone came in. I didn't even bother looking up because I was too busy looking for my stupid wallet inside of the nonexistent bag I brought with me because according to Mariah all I would need was some cash and her list of junkfood.

"Son of a bitch!" The kid flinches and I ignore him continuing to spit out unladylike obscenities. "I'm such an idiot!" I look at the kid who now has a look of fear in his eyes.
"Umm.. Sorry but I uhh.. Forgot my wallet. Which has my ID. So I forgot my ID." I give him a hopeful look, " I have money...do you think I could just take this stuff?"

Now I notice whoever walked in earlier because he starts to chuckle quietly. I turn around to look at him, ready to gouge his eyeballs out for laughing at me. But when I turn to see the yellow- caramel color of those eyeballs I pause, collect my thoughts, and pick my jaw up from the floor. My gaze lingers on his biceps that are visibly muscular even through the leather jacket he's sporting, my eyes catch the hint of a tattoo on his chest peeking from under his shirt. His full, pink lips are set in a cocky smirk hidden under his facial hair and accompanied by the stubble along his jaw, as I visually go past the perfect bridge of his nose I stare at his slicked-back, dark hair that curls slightly at the tips.

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