3. Routines and a Dog

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"Are you sure it's okay?"

"Am I sure that it's okay for you to take my one and only beautiful baby girl for a joyride?"

"Mar," I giggle at Mariah's tipsiness, "if you don't want me to take your car it's okay I'll hitch a ride from someone."

"No! You can take it, here." she says, nearly shoving the keys to her Volvo at me. "Remember what I said, if you need to bring someone home and you want the upper hand, you need to be able to kick him out in the morning. I don't want you to have to do the walk of shame tomorrow just because you left in his car." She says pointing at the cute guy a couple feet away from us, who waves and smiles in my direction.

"He's pretty cute, isn't he?" I say and smile and wave back at him. "But unlike you I don't go out and plan my one-night stands, if it happens it happens."

"You call it 'one-night stand', I call it 'catch and release'." She giggles, a little past tipsy and probably drunk.

"Okay, Mar? Do me a favor and let me know when you get home, okay? Just a text is fine." I say to her not so sure if I'm okay with leaving her here.

"Miabella, look at me." She says widening her eyes like saucers to look at me. "I'm a big girl. I'll be fine."

"Okay then... See you at school on Tuesday. Because knowing you, you won't show up tomorrow." I say smirking at her, giving her a look that says 'stop drinking now before it's too late'.

She waves me me off with a 'yeah whatever' and I start walking towards the cute guy with the leather jacket.

"Hey you," I smile, "still need a ride out of here?" and say to him being overly flirtatious.

"Yeah actually," he says grinning. "and maybe you could show me your place? We can talk for a little or something?" He asks also a little tipsy -but not drunk yet- and leans his muscular frame against mine.

I back up a few steps and reach Mariah's car, he follows, and again presses himself against me. I reach up to tug on his blonde hair, which I easily reach considering my small 5'2 height. He kisses me feverishly and sloppily, but I ignore the sloppiness and ask him one very important question before our long night of flirting leads to anything else.

"We can definitely go back to-" his kisses interrupt my questioning, "-my place... But umm-" another kiss. "-what's your name again?"

He looks at me weirdly, and the only thing I hope for right now is that he isn't offended.

"Brian." He says smiling and sticks his tongue down my throat again. And it's not like I'm not enjoying it, but I'm out of the blue hörny tonight. And all I need is to get home so this cute guy can do me some justice.

"Great Brian, hop in." I say pointing to the car. I put one foot in the car ready to get in when I spot Mariah being helped into a red mustang by a guy. With his back to me I don't recognize him until Mariah sees me and starts to wave like a maniac, he turns around and it's the guy who's had me hot and bothered all night. The guy who I'll be moaning for - when Bill, or Brian, or whoever isn't doing it for me. Dominic.


Oh no.

Monday morning, my sheets all over the place, my curtains are closed shut so that way light doesn't come in, and I hear snoring.

I don't snore.

I turn around on my bed to find a very much unconscious Brian. Why does he look so dead? It's not like our night was tiring. Not tiring at all.

||||LAST NIGHT||||

A short car ride and 15 minutes later I'm standing at my door step with Brian's hands on my hips.

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