5. The Bestfriend and a New Friend

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Tattoos were my new favorite thing. Maybe I'd even get another one. One that would actually be visible. Although I doubt that.

I had walked out of my room and made myself a sandwich. Food made me relax, and that was a damn shame. Because I was always trying to ease my anxiety. Anyway, this time it was different, my only reason for not being relaxed was because I basically had a stranger showering in my bathroom. And he had my panties soaking in anticipation to see him when he walked out of my shower all dripping and sexy. Currently I was sitting on my white and red, floral patterned duvet trying not to spill mustard on my sheets. I had been contemplating what to say to Mr. Brazen-Idiot for a while now. And decided that I would just let him know he could leave and not talk about me embarrassingly ogling his chest and abs earlier. Not that it mattered to me too much if a guy knew I was into him. I just didn't want this guy to know I was into him.

"Well hi there Bunny. Is that for me?" He walked in grinning, while I was focusing on pulling out a piece of lettuce from my sandwich and then pointed at the half-eaten thing in my hand that was obviously not for him.

Crap. I had totally forgotten he came here to eat something..now he was never going to leave.

"Uhm.." I started with my mouth full of food, "you can make something, but then you need to leave." I finished and swallowed the last piece of my sandwich whole.

"What's the rush, Bunny?" He slowly started walking over to me and it wasn't until then that I noticed the only thing he had on was one of my white cotton towels wrapped dangerously low on his hips. My eyes were glued to the V-shape on his abdomen, because obviously I loved the clichés. Then I payed more attention to the tattoo he had in bold, masculine writing from hip to hip. I read it and immediately busted out laughing.

Dominic grinned down at me expectant and amused. "What? You don't think it's actually small do you?"

His tattoo read, 'Don't Laugh'. Just the fact that he had a tattoo as a warning label on his body made me hysterical. Dominic reached over me to grab his shorts from my bed and his body dangerously close, -a breath away- but I couldn't even begin to think about that when I was still laughing about his tattoo.

Honestly I was glad Dominic could be so humble. I wish all guys with... Uh small packages... came with warning labels. Including the Brian's of the world. Then I would have known he wasn't my type, like I now knew about Dom's size and could happily deny his little junior entry into my temple.

"Alright Bunny, that's enough." Dominic said gruffly, loosing all humor from his tone. He pulled on his basketball shorts and tried to cover the tattoo with the hem, at the same time trying not to pull the shorts way past his crøtch. Which only made me cackle like a hyena.

"It's just... Thank you!" I said through laughter and he stared at me confused.

"Huh?" Was all he could mutter.

"Your tattoo!" I suppressed my laughter a little to get through my sentence, "..it's just hilarious. It would've been amazing if the guy from last night had a wanrning sign." I said and laughed out loud again.

All of a sudden Dominic was on top of me, shirtless. He parted my legs with his knee, positioned his body perfectly against mine, and held my wrist up above my head.

"My dįck is not small Bunny." He growled and proved it to me by grinding his hard bulge into me through my yoga pants, and I felt him deep within my wetness. "You should've come home with me if you weren't into itty-bitty-dįck Brian." He said and grinned.

I groaned frustratedly just thinking about Brian -Mr.Itty-bitty. But before I let my self release a moan of pleasure from my lips, I bucked under him and wriggled like a mouse running from a lion.

"Get your paws off of me, you mutt!" I growled at him and struggled under his weight.

"Ok sure," Dominic said and proceeded to do exactly as I said and only took his hands off of me. "Where do you want me to put them?" He added, smirking.

"I don't like being man-handled!" I tried to sound stern but even I couldn't believe that lie. "You are so childish!" I yelled instead and gave him the meanest look I could muster up.

"Only when someone else is playing games." He said still smirking, his annoying smirk and lifted himself off of me and put his weight on his tattooed forearms that were caging me in.

"You seriously need to-"

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here? A couple of lions in mating season." I was interrupted by the voice of my one and only bestfriend, Kelayna Romey.

Automatically Dominic lifted himself off of me like I'd burned him. While he was pulling on his shirt Kelayna spoke up again.

"Oh don't mind me, I'll just be waiting here for my tongue to burst into flames, because that was the hottest thing I've ever seen. And I'm hoping my words will light fire to the flames." She winked at Dominic. Kelayna was always trying to be funny, keyword trying.

"Keeks, hey..." I said and lamely hugged her. "I was just showing Dominic here, to the door."

"Oh no. That's too bad, I'd really love to get to know Dominic more." She pouted and then followed it with a wicked grin when she practically assaulted Dominic's name.

"Well hello there, I-"

"Was just leaving. He was just leaving." I said and grabbed the extended hand Dominic had held out for Melayna to shake and led him out of my room.

"Oh come on Bunny, your friend's right it was getting a little steamy in there." I led him all the way to my door and when I turned to look at him he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh please D'arte!" I pushed him out the front door and he only stood there smiling. "Not in a million years!" I slammed the door in his face, sighing I leaned against it and took a short breather.

"You remembered my name! Your beginning to obsess Bunny!" Dominic hollered through the door startling me as if my walls were sound proof and I just smiled to myself at his stupidity.

Smiled? God, I really needed to check in with a doctor. My hormones were way out of wack.


"M? Why in the hell didn't you tell your bestfriend about your new friend?" Kelayna said watching me sternly with her hands on her hips and one foot in front of the other.

"Because he's not exactly a friend. And-"

"Whatever. A friend, a boo, a babe. I need to be told and if you think that a guy you let into your place isn't an important thing to tell me then-"

"Okay,okay Keeks! Díos mío!" I interrupted her with a shout. "I'll tell you who he is but lets get situated first."

I grabbed her bags and she followed me to the guest room. Mentally I was readying myself for her interrogation.


Hey lovelies! Super short chapter but I felt the need to update. Next chapter I will definitely make up for the length I just need time! Thanks for the comments I really appreciate the motivation.

Cherish your life, lovelies. -M, aka LUNAELIZAB

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