Chapter 1

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Tracy Beaker Superstar

"Mike! Harry's broken the telly again!" Carmen shouts up the stairs. Mike comes rushing down to sort it out, for the seventh time in a row!

The house was manic. We were all having a bit of fun, but it was so loud that nobody could think straight

Grace can't be around loud noises for long because she was diagnosed with a hearing problem causing her to be deaf in one ear.

"Oh, Harry!", picking him up and spinning him around. "Leave the telly alone please!"Mike tells Harry.

Grace and Carmen were sitting next to each other while watching TV, listening to an interview with a young author who had just written a book about her life in care. As Mike started to leave the living room, we got bored so decided to change the channel, until he came running back in.

"No no no no put it back on!" he insisted. Carmen changed the channel back.

"It's Tracy!" Mike explains.

"Who?" Frank asked, who was on the tv whilst he sat on the sofa.

"She used to live here!" Mike said.

"Ooo there's someone famous!" Carmen laughed.

We all began to talk about it. This girl on the TV, Tracy Beaker, used to live here. She spent her life living just like us, and had written a book about all her experiences. That thing was like a survival guide to living in care, and I was really interested to read it.

Just then, Gina walked in to the room.

"What's all the fuss about man?" Gina asked them.

"It's Tracy Beaker!" we all yelled.

Gina seemed pretty interested too, if I'm completely honest.

Gracie's POV

"Goodnight my darling Gracie." Gina kissed me goodnight. It was getting late, and we were all pretty tired. The rain was pouring down, hitting off my window making loud pattering noises, which was stopping me from sleeping. Mike had gone out to get Liam from the police station to take him back to his foster family, and he hadn't returned, meaning he was still stuck out in the rain. I felt bad for him. I just wanted him to come home, so I knew he was safe. It's all I want in this place. For everyone to be safe.

Grace always worries about safety since her big brother left the care home aged 16 then went to war. This worries Grace a lot struggling to sleep a lot of the time having nightmares about her brother.

"Gracie baby he's okay love don't stress about him he will call in a few days" Gina said after seeing Gracie being silent looking down. After Gina cuddled Grace then she left the room.

After Gina left the room, Grace overhears the doorbell being rung. If it was Mike, he would've just walked in, so it was obviously a stranger. Gracie stayed in her own room knowing if her older brother was living in the children home he would expect his little sister in bed asleep. But since he's not their Grace stated in her room, trying to listen to what Gina was saying to the person, but Gracie couldn't hear anything. There was a random knock at her bedroom door. It was Tee, Carmen and Lily.

"Gracie! The girl from the telly's here!" Carmen said excitedly.

"Wait what?" Grace said. She got  out of her bed and put her light blue dressing gown on. I knew I wasn't meant to be awake at this time of night, but I was really interested in Tracy Beaker, and if she was really here, I wanted to see her in person. Carmen was desperate to go downstairs, but I wasn't so sure. Lily had gone to get everyone else, meaning that we were all awake. We sat on the stairs watching her as she waited for Gina to bring her a towel, and I just smiled. I was so interested in by her, but I didn't want to go and meet her.  Grace is a very nervous child. Once Mike and Gina looked into it after Grace's brother left they put it to that. Grace stopped talking for a little while becoming mute until a doctor said it Kyle be connected to Grace's fears which it was they found that Grace is deaf in one ear.

Grace also gets very nervous around bug groups getting very anxious showed that Grace also has minor OCD.

Grace feels outnumbered by everyone else except her friends . Grace's best friend Tee gave her a reassuring smile, telling Gracie that she'd be okay, and she took her  hand as they all walked downstairs to the kitchen where Gina had taken Tracy.

We all huddled together in the kitchen doorway, trying to stay quiet, but honestly, with some people in this house, the group of us were never quiet when we were altogether. Gina and Tracy spotted us straight away.

"Guys, what are you doing up?" Gina asked in shock, while Tracy just smiled at us all, who were all so excited. For me, I wasn't sure since she's a new person. Or should be excited, I was very nervous so I stayed at the back. I get really anxious all the time, but I'm not sure why.

Tracy seemed really nice. Normally you hear of all these celebs who seem nice but are actually quite rude and stubborn, but Tracy seemed like the complete opposite. I was really sure what I thought about Tracy.

It's hard to chat to new people when everyone wanted to say hi. What she like her attitude for example

What would she think of me I'm not and average ten-year-old with one hearing problem OCD and many more.

She gave Gina a copy of her book for £6 instead of £6.99, and signed it for her. I thought sure Gina would let me read it at some point, if I was to ask her politely and nobody else was using it! Everyone else began to try and bombard Tracy with as many questions as they could think of, which I knew was a bad idea. Gina told us all to go get us back to bed, but no one was listening to her. They all followed Tracyz.

We could all ask her to about being on TV. Of course, we all rushed up to bed. Tracy said she was going to come and say goodnight to us all individually. I wasn't sure, I wanted Gina to say goodnight not a stranger.

I patiently waited, then Gina came in with the young lady.

"Night night Gracie babes sleep tight okay" Gina told me then cuddled me.

"Tracy this is Gracie she's 10 years old one of our longest care child here she's very sweet"

"Night Gina" Grace said and went to sleep.

A/N: I own Grace and Alex Williams siblings and theirs storyline.

I will be talking about some struggling thinking's if you struggle with that skip parts that are hard.

For example Grief, abuse and eating disorder.

Grace Williams- Tracy Beaker Returns/The Dumping Ground Where stories live. Discover now