Chapter 4

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By the Book

"Hey G you ok" Liam asked Grace.

"I'm fine just tired Liam, thanks for checking up on me" Gracie tells him.

"Ok tell me or frank if your not" Liam said kindly, before he left the quite room.

Grace goes in the quiet room a lot for peace and quite to rest. Gina mostly or Mike would check up on her but still giving her space.

Grace has been struggling a lot since her brother left to go to war to work. This worries Gracie if he's going to get hurt and she'll never seen him again.

Just as Grace was thinking about Alex her big brother a new person came in.

"Hey Grace Gina and Mike wanted me to check how your doing?" Tracy says.

Grace Williams looked down and then quickly up to look at Tracy.

"I'm fine please can you leave me so I can have some time on my own?" Grace asked.

Tracy was quite surprised Gina and Mike both told her that Gracie is a sweet girl that you will fall in love with instantly but it takes Gracie a little while.

'But the truth is she doesn't want to talk about Alex' Grace thinks not wanting to tell the new carer.

Tracy sees Grace is thinking about stuff she wants some privacy just how she use to remember this place.

"Ok Grace just come over to the office if you want some help sweet" Tracy says before leaving the quiet room.

"Hey. How is Grace?" Gina asked Tracy as she walked in to the private office.

"She's doing ok,  she was really quiet  not talking till I ask how she's been" I said. Tracy says.

"What did she say?" Mike asked seeming worried.

"She said  she's "fine please can you leave me so I can have some time on my own?" Tracy says.

"Tracy she will get to know you. Gracie is missing her big brother who use to live her and basically father her. Most times me or Gina would have to stop him from parenting her and actually be a child. Gracie's very close with Gina who came to the hospital when the children were after their parents died." Mike explained and Gina nod her head.  


I woke up to the sound of everyone eager to have breakfast.

All I could think about was how horrible I was to Tracy yesterday.

I wondered if Tracy was made aware about Alex or maybe she had read my file

Just as I was about to go out of my bedroom I saw Tee waiting for me outside my bedroom door.

"Morning Gracie, good night sleep?" tee said with her smily face.

"Morning Tee, yeah it was ok you?" I asked her.

"Yeah good thanks glad you're doing better Gracie" Tee said holding Grace's hand as the two girls walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Alright Girlies," Gina said.

"Morning, Gina," the two girls replied.

Tee and Gracie separated when sitting down at the table. Grace went and sat next to Sapphire who had Harry on the other side. Then Mike and Tracy came in and said their mornings to all around the table.

After we all carried on eating our breakfasts.

"Mike? I've got nothing to do all day!" Liam complained. "Can we do something?"

"Liam your room is a mess! You might as well clean your room. How about you all clean your rooms, and then we can get some takeaway for dinner?" "If your room is tidy, you can have a relaxing day? Does that sound good?"Mike tells the children.

We all knew we weren't going to get out of it, so we all agreed. Each of us moaned, we all hate cleaning.

'I'm glad I keep my bedroom clean.'

As I went upstairs I began to go to my bedroom but stopped walked the other way to another door.

"Hey you want some help?" Gracie asked...


"Yeah that be nice." He said

"How have you been since coming back?" Gracie asked him.

"Good. I missed you G having a late night chat, how's Alex been when you chat?" Liam asked.

"I missed you too. Alex is doing well miss him as well it's hard knowing what he's doing." Grace said.

Just as they finish Grace is about to leave the room, but Liam pulls her back and kisses her cheek making her smile then just before going out she looks back and smiles at him then walks back to her own room.

Gracie  sat down on her bed and cuddled her elephant teddy from Gina then suddenly hears...


A/N: sorry this chapter is shorter than usual hope you like it though.

I will be talking about some struggling thinking's if you struggle with that skip parts that are hard.

For example Grief, abuse and eating disorder.

Tell me what you think or something to add to the story

Love from Lily xxx

Grace Williams- Tracy Beaker Returns/The Dumping Ground Where stories live. Discover now