Chapter 5

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Family Values

Grace Williams was sitting in the lounge with some of the others doing stuff but Gracie chose to sit on the sofa and read a book.

Just then she heard everyone shouting so she quickly ran to the door where everyone was about to say their goodbyes to Lily and the girls.

As Gracie comes out the door she stands behind the rest of them hidden who are waving screening to the car door where the girls out about to leave.

"Bye!" Everyone says m.

"Bye be good." Mike shouted

Carmen was getting very upset to see Lily going and it made Grace think back on to her big brother Alex when he left.

"Frank! Ready to go to Grandads?"


"The Right, I'm going to drop the boys off then call by the social workers to see how the other girls have settled in and then pick the boys up about tea time, OK?" Gina says.

"Sure. Got a feeling it's going to be very quiet today anyway." Mike says.

It's always is once someone's been fostered." Gina reply's.

"Yes, reminds them that they're still in care. I'll check up on Gracie since it's always hard for her losing Alex when he left." Mike says worrying thinking about Grace.

"Yeah good idea" Gina says with sad smile on her face.

"Hey, but today was a great success." Gina says with a happy smile on her face.

"Getting three siblings fostered wasn't success, it was a minor miracle! Mike says with a laugh as well as Gina laughing.

Just then they see Tee and Johnny behind them since the door was open.

"Oh... and. Of course, two would be much easier.

"Yeah." Gina whisperes.

"What is it Johnny?" Mike asks looking behind to see Johnny.

"Doesn't matter." Johnny says then leaves the room.

"Is it really easier?" Tee asks.

"Simple., simple." Mike says.

" Yeah, man, easy!" Gina says then Tee leaves the office.
Carmen is upset today with Lily leaving so decides to go look for someone to play with she goes to the lounge and sees Johnny and Tee but they both say no.

Next Carmen saw Toby playing which he left the room to ignore her after she asked to play.

Carmen then gets to the landing and sees Gus playing planes but he didn't want to getting angry with her waiting on Mike.

Carmen goes off to find somebody since she's struggling.

"Jeff wants to play" Harry says to Sapphire.

"I'm busy, Harry,
stuff of my own to do." Sapphire says.

"I'll play." Carmen says after hearing Harry wants to play.

Grace Williams- Tracy Beaker Returns/The Dumping Ground Where stories live. Discover now