1. Of Ice And Bones. [WON]

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talesofthedeep prompt: Your team was assigned to explore the iceberg that recently broke off the Atlantic. A horrifying discovery was waiting to happen.

Waves rose high, taunting in their viciousness as they crashed hard against the ship

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Waves rose high, taunting in their viciousness as they crashed hard against the ship.

Evangeline's head rested against the window, occasionally bumping on the metal frame when the vessel swayed. The sound of pencil scratching on paper filled her room as her fingers moved in a daze while her gaze followed the floating iceberg they were heading towards, its jagged edges glistening under the pale sunlight.

She couldn't shrug off the itch that's been gnawing at her insides ever since her team received an urgent assignment from a government agency. A massive iceberg had recently broken off from the Atlantic and was drifting towards unknown waters. The same one she was sketching. Her team was assigned with exploring it, documenting its features, and uncovering potential threats.

However, why would they insist on having her, an archaeologist, on this trip? There was only one answer.

A knock at her cabin's door disrupted her thoughts.

Pulling her beanie further down, Evangeline was glad for her thermal gloves and face mask as she stepped out into the deck. It was bustling with life.

Jackson was leaning against the taffrail, his eyes glinting with excitement.

Evangeline grinned, "Are they done assessing the stability of the icy terrains?"

"Yup. Dr. Mei Ling Chen is a gift from God," Olivia said, slinging an arm over her shoulders.

"It's adventure time, baby," Jack cheered.

With their specialized gear and research equipment, Evangeline's team greeted Lieutenant Ramirez as they boarded her helicopter before heading toward the colossal iceberg.

"You reported sighting a hidden cave when patrolling?" Evangeline shouted.

Sofia nodded. "It's located in the area where the iceberg had broken off but it's hard to pinpoint the depth from up here."

It didn't take long before Evangeline was staring at the entry of the cave. As they approached it, an eerie silence enveloped the air, contrasting with the surrounding tumultuous sea.

Jackson checked their surroundings, ensuring it was safe to enter. Malik hoisted his weapons. Olivia and Evangeline secured their backpacks and insulated parkas before they ventured deep into the iceberg's core, navigating through narrow icy tunnels and chambers. A sense of foreboding weighed heavily upon their shoulders. It was as if the iceberg held its secrets close, waiting to reveal them at the right moment.

Evangeline's heart swelled with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

Everyone rolled their eyes, already accustomed to Jackson's antics.

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