[ONC20] Drakaina {excerpt}

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Always drawn to the susurrus of an enchanting forest, Alyviah finds herself giving in to the xylophilia coursing through her not once, not twice, but too many times.

Surely, it mustn't be related to the arcane whispers of her parents or the handsome stranger she keeps stumbling upon, or the old tales of dragons and a curse no one knows anything about...right?

However, too many questions are unanswered, and too many things remain unexplained. And so, she finds herself forced to figure out not only her past but also her future...something Alyviah never thought she'd go through considering the sheltered life she'd had up until one night when she snaps out of a trance that consumed her, only to find herself in the middle of a war that's been brewing for years...a war that she had no idea about, yet played a huge role in.

Because, after all...Platinum shall rise with an unquenchable thirst for justice...and kingdoms shall fall.

0 | Óðr.

Howling wind displaced trembling leaves, carrying expired, frantic prayers of ashen corpses and the echo of deafening rage outbursts. Rumbles shook the ground. Hollow, desperate screams and supplications of mercy went unheard by gods that chose to turn a blind eye to the massacre taking place.

The forest, once a richness to all living beings, now scorched lands of death and terror. Blood soaked soils and running rivers. A toddler, cheeks sticky from dry tears of confusion and fright, stumbled over his little sister's arm, the only part to remain intact of her body, as he waddled toward his weeping mother.

"Mama," he wheezed. "Mama, where's dada?"

The mother wept harder, crawling in a bloody mess to her husband's smashed body by the tainted water. Her legs, shattered beyond repair, followed limply as she pushed herself upright to open her arms for an innocent child, too pure to recognize trauma even if it stepped over or burned his whole family to ashes before his dark brown eyes.

"Here, sweetheart, here." She beckoned him closer, head nodding in encouragement despite her lack of vision through the curtains of tears and crimson red. "Good boy, come to mama-"

The moment the child was within her arms' reach, ferocious roars neared the grounds before a gigantic body landed atop the whole family, offering no time for screams of fright or resistance.

The moment the child was within her arms' reach, ferocious roars neared the grounds before a gigantic body landed atop the whole family, offering no time for screams of fright or resistance

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