4. The Uncharted Lands Of The Dead. [WON]

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WattpadDarkFantasy prompt: You are invited to join a mysterious group of people who can travel to the underworld on a whim.

WattpadDarkFantasy prompt: You are invited to join a mysterious group of people who can travel to the underworld on a whim

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Evangeline flicked the piece of paper in her hand, studying its sleekness and sparse text. It was succinct for an invitation but, alas, what do you expect from a strange group on a stranger quest?

However, such brevity only served to ignite her curiosity further. She couldn't help but be drawn to the enigma surrounding this.

"You're going?" Olivia hissed through the phone.

"I'm already there."

"Wait, what? I thought you were calling me to talk you out of it," she sighed. "I should've known better. Why are you calling then?"

Evangeline stifled her laughter, "I'm simply letting my friend my latest whereabouts in case something happens."

"You're too reckless, Angie."

After an unnecessarily long lecture about safety, Olivia rubbed her forehead before reluctantly bidding her friend farewell.

Folding the invitation, Evangeline slipped it into her pocket and resumed her careful trek up the small hill until arriving at the designated location. It was a small, secluded cabin on the outskirts of a suburban area - outcasted from the fancy houses like the group of people she was now standing before.

Beside her, there was another woman, her silhouette was swallowed by a large hoodie that reached her knees and hid most of her face. A couple stood to the side and after a bit of examination, she deduced they were oblivious ghost hunters simply treating this as one of those fake ghost tours.

Wasn't she the only invitee?

The flames of her curiosity were further fanned when a group of four, shrouded in dark cloaks and suffocating mystery, approached them. Their faces were hidden and their hands were folded atop their bellies. They moved in creepy unison and impressive synchronization.

The air crackled with anticipation.

In a few concise words, the enigmatic leader conveyed the essence of their quest—a journey that defied conventional boundaries, traversing realms untouched by ordinary mortals. Evangeline's imagination ran wild. She was captivated by the promise of venturing into uncharted territories.

The leader motioned for them to take a seat on four chairs set in a circle in the middle of the tiny space. And when they did, each mysterious figure stood behind one and began to chant unintelligible words and goosebumps-inducing hums.

In her hazy mind, Evangeline attempted to decipher the foreign language. However, she came up short. With a final glance at the leader standing behind her, her neck craned back involuntarily until she could no longer carry her head.

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