11. puzzle piece named ashton

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"Thanks for ride. And for, you know..the whole period situation," Luna smiled softly once the car was parked of her driveway.

"Goodnight Lunar," Michael said. Luna chuckled and silently left the car without another word.

He was on his way to April's and was excited about the what the night had in store for them.

Michael walked up the front steps to April's house. Well her parents' house. April's parents loved Michael, he sweet and never get their daughter into trouble.

"Hey how are you?," Michael said once April opened the door. He suddenly felt, he hadn't gotten that feeling around April in quite sometime. Maybe he had missed her after all.

"Hey Michael, we need to talk," April replied, her voice was familiar yet distant.

This could not be good, Michael thought. That one line was in every movie ever to be made. And it did not mean it good things. It usually was the start of some bad 'it's not you, it's me' break-up.

"I'm good," she said, answering Michael's question, "I just told you this morning I was good."

Michael felt dumb for asking that question. It was such an innocent question he wouldn't have expected any bad to come out of it. "Yeah, I know, but texting is always different."

April managed to let out a laugh, "That's exactly what Ashton said."

"Who's Ashton?" Michael asked sounding worried.

"Ashton is the very reason why I'm here," she continued.

Michael just looked at April blankly not grasping what was going on. He cocked his head to the side trying to comprehend. April just gave him an annoyed glance.

"Mikester, I've met someone," she said. Just like that. She had the nerve to use his nickname in the same sentence that she broke up with him. Like she was in some romance movie, "and he made me realize that what you and I have isn't...very real."

Now Michael was only more confused, "Real? Of course it's real! We've been together since high school. I was even sleeping over at your house tonight."

"Sleeping over? I just said for you to come over. Look, Ashton and I are right together. We fit like little puzzle pieces while you and I don't go that well. And..he doesn't have a condition that doesn't allow him to sleep with me."

"You're breaking up with me because of my condition?"

April simply sighed like she was talking to a two-year-old, "This isn't even a break-up. We were never really together."

"What happened to wanting the best for me?" Michael asked offended. He wasn't confused anymore. Now he was just plain aggravated.

"I do want what's best for you. You're sick and I'm glad there's someone that can help you. But we've drifted apart and-" she was cut off my Michael.

"Is that what you told Ashton? That we 'drifted apart'?"

"I just think this is what's best for us," April sighed. She sounded more annoyed than anything else. She sounded more annoyed than sad or sorry.

Michael wanted to argue with her, but he couldn't think of anything convincing, "Okay we're over. I get it. I need to go."

Michael was proud of himself for not beginning to yell at April. But he was mad that the one girl he had ever kissed. The one girl who had ever had his heart was now gone. She left him for some puzzle piece named Ashton.

He took deep breaths as he went to his car, hated driving angry. But he knew there was a place he must go.

A bar.

(( this story is placed in Australia and Michael is almost 19 so THAT MEANS HE'S LEGAL IN THE BOOK))

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