Roadside Attraction

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"See you when you get back Alexis. Have fun." Wendy says as she drops Alexis off near the mystery shack as the others are getting their stuff in an RV.

"Thanks for the ride Wendy." Alexis says happily while holding her backpack.

"Not a problem." Wendy says before riding off on her bike as Alexis goes over to the others.

"Hey Alexis. Glad you made it." Dipper says as Alexis smiles.

"Thanks for letting me come along along Mr. Pines." Alexis says as Stan looks at her.

"The more the merrier. Just sign this non-disclosure agreement. Your parents aren't lawyers right?" Stan asks as he shows Alexis a piece of paper.

"Okay?" Alexis asks confusedly as she signs the paper before Stan walks off.

"He made Grenda and Candy do that too." Dipper says as Alexis looks at him.

"Thanks for the heads up." Alexis says as she goes inside the RV with Candy, Grenda, and Stan before they are joined by Mabel, Soos, and Dipper.


"Man RVs are amazing. I can't believe we're sitting at a table in a moving vehicle!" Grenda says happily as Stan is driving.

"Ooh! Informational travel pamphlets. I want to read them all and gain their travel knowledge." Candy says as she finds pamphlets.

"Kid those useless pamphlets have never helped a single person. The only wrinkly old travel guide you'll need is me. Now look alive! We're coming up on an attraction run by the most black-hearted proprietor in all of Oregon. Don't let the face fool you. This woman lit my car on fire on two non-consecutive occasions." Stan says as the group stops at their first destination.

"Whoa." Alexis says in amazement as she takes a picture of a giant yarn ball.

"I'm going in girls." Mabel shouts as she, Grenda, and Candy run over to the giant yarn ball as Alexis goes over to watch and make sure they don't get hurt.

"Dipper hup to! This ball a' yarn ain't gonna prank itself." Stan says as he goes over to the yarn ball and grabs a piece of it as Dipper comes over and does the same before Alexis quickly steps away seeing they intend to unravel it.

"Everyone! Now!" Stan shouts as everyone gets into the RV and drives away unraveling the yarn ball in the process.

"Uh Mr. Pines I really don't think that woman was very happy with what you just did." Alexis says she sees the owner come running out shouting as the group drives away.

"That's the point of our revenge trip." Stan says as Alexis looks at him.


"Ah Upside-Down Town. The nausea capital of the state. Whatever you do don't use the bathrooms." Stan says as the group arrives at the Upside-Down Town and goes inside with special shoes as they begin walking on the ceiling.

"Road dogs! Woof, woof, woof!" Grenda, Candy, and Mabel shout as they walk around laughing.

"This is so weird!" Mabel says as Alexis smiles before taking her phone out.

"Definitely different but still makes good pictures. Smile girls." Alexis says as she holds her phone up.

"Cheese." Candy, Grenda, and Mabel say happily as Alexis takes a picture of them.

"Good one! Huh?" Alexis says as she notices Dipper talking to a girl as she writes something on his hand before he comes over happily only to fall off the ceiling and land next to the girls.

"I'm okay. I'm better than okay. Mabel hi. There's my Grenda. Candy looking great. Alexis is that a new hairstyle? It looks beautiful." Dipper says happily.

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