Weirdmageddon PT 4

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"Ha ha ha ho! This is just too perfect! Didn't you brainiacs know the zodiac doesn't work if you don't all hold hands? And what's better you've brought every threat to my power together in one easy-to-destroy circle!" Bill shouts as he burns the circle.

"Oh no!" Dipper shouts.

"You guys wanna see what happens to your friends when you can't get along?" Bill asks as he picks up Stan and Ford.

"Hey! You give them back!" McGucket shouts.

"That's enough!" Alexis shouts.

"Yeah! We're not scared of you!" Wendy shouts.

"Oh but you should be." Bill says as he snaps his fingers and everyone but Dipper, Mabel, Ford, and Stan floats up beside him.

"Oh no!" Dipper shouts.

"You know this castle could really use some decorations! Looks like it's too late for your friends Stanford." Bill shouts as he replaces the group with tapestries of them screaming in front of their symbols.


As the group is released they then see everything is back to normal and all the monsters are gone.

"Oh my gosh! Grunkle Stan you did it!" Mabel shouts as he and Dipper run over to Stan.

"Oh uh hey there... kiddo. What's your name?" Stan asks as everyone looks at him.

"Eheh. Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asks in confusion.

"Heh. Who you talkin' to?" Stan asks as he looks around.

"C-cmon. It's me. It's me Grunkle Stan. Grunkle Stan it's me!" Mabel says.

"We had to erase his mind to defeat Bill. It's all gone. Stan has no idea, but he did it. He saved the world. He saved me. You're our hero Stanley." Ford says as he goes over to Stan.


"Hey this is a real nice place you got here." Stan says as everyone arrives at the Mystery Shack.

"It's your place Grunkle Stan." Dipper says.

"Don't you remember? Even a little?" Mabel asks.

"Nope. But this chair hugs my butt like it remembers. Hey why the long faces? You guys look like it's someone's funeral. Who's that big guy crying in the corner?" Stan says as Soos is crying.

"We saved the world, but what's the point? Grunkle Stan's not himself anymore." Dipper says.

"There's gotta be something we can do to jog his memory." Mabel says.

"There isn't. I'm sorry. Stan's gone." Ford says.

"I know my Grunkle is in there somewhere. There's gotta be something around here that can help bring him back. This'll work! This has to work! Here's the first day we came to Gravity Falls Grunkle Stan. And here's a macaroni interpretation of my emotions." Mabel says as she shows Stan her scrapbook.

"That time we went fishing? That Summerween we spent together? Don't you remember anything?" Dipper asks.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what this is or who you are or- Gah! Quit it Waddles! I'm trying to remember my life story!" Stan shouts as he attempts to get waddles off him.

"What did you say?" Dipper asks as everyone looks at Stan.

"I said get Waddles off of me." Stan says.

"It's working. Keep reading." Ford says.

"Skip to my page! He needs to remember our boss-employee relationship." Soos says as he, Alexis, and Wendy go over to Stan.

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