Weirdmageddon PT 1

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As Alexis is with her adoptive father and brothers the group along with everyone in town sees a giant one-eyed triangle creature appear in the sky as things turn dark in the sky.

"Alright listen up you one lifespan, three dimensional, five sense skin puppets! For one trillion years I've been trapped in my own decaying dimension. Waiting for a new universe to call my own. Name's Bill! But you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity! Now meet the gang of interdimensional criminals and nightmares I call my friends. 8 Ball! Kryptos! The being whose name must never be said! Haha what the heck. It's Zanthar. Then of course there's also Teeth, Keyhole, Hectorgon, Amorphous Shape, Pyronica, Paci-Fire, and these guys. This is our town now boys!" The creature shouts as more creatures appear.

"Now see here you unholy triangle fella. As mayor I strongly urge you to git...git on out of here." The mayor says as he steps forward.

"Yeah! Things with one eye are weird!" Lazy Susan shouts.

"We don't like out-of-towners." Grenda shouts.

"We punch what we don't understand!" Manly Dan shouts as he rips open a mailbox.

"I would just like to say that as a rich capitalist I welcome your tyrannical rule. Perhaps I could be one of your uh... horsemen of the apocalypse?" Mr. Northwest asks as he steps forward.

"Dad!" Pacifica shouts.

"Not now sweetie. The grownups are talking." Mr. Northwest says.

"Oh wow. That's a great offer. How 'bout instead I shuffle the functions of every hole in your face?" Bill asks as he rearranges Mr. Northwest's face before turning Durland to stone.

"Durland! My precious Deputy Durland. No!" Sheriff Blubs shouts as a creature carries Durland away while people run in fear.

"It's time we do a little redecorating. I could really use a castle of some kind. And how about some bubbles of pure madness! This party never stops. Time is dead and meaning has no meaning. Existence is upside-down and I reign supreme. Welcome one and all to Weirdmageddon!" Bill shouts as he begins rearranging the town to his liking.


"Oh man this place is a mess." Alexis says she is standing guard in a mall in wolf form as Wendy is setting up a net.

"No kidding." Wendy says as Alexis ears perk up at hearing a noise.

"Wendy quickly. Hide. I hear someone coming." Alexis says.

"Time to test out our trap." Wendy says as he and Alexis hide before hearing their trap go off.

"Ah! Help! The nachos tricked me!" A voice shouts as Alexis and Wendy poke their heads out of their hiding places.

"Dipper?" Wendy asks as she was hiding in a tree plant while Alexis was hiding behind a trash can.

"Wendy, Alexis!? Oh no! You've been transformed into some sort of... tree monster!" Dipper says as he freaks out seeing Wendy.

"Ha! It's just camouflage. My dad made me, Alexis, and our brothers do apocalypse training every year instead of Christmas. Guess it's sort of cool the paranoia paid ! Bat meat." Wendy says as she shoots a bat with an arrow.

"Hold still Dipper. I'll get you down." Alexis says as she bites through the net freeing Dipper.

"Thanks." Dipper says as Alexis smiles at him.

"Not a problem. I'm just grateful to know you're okay. I was worried about you." Alexis says as she nuzzles Dipper.

"I was worried about you too. I'm so glad to find you both! I thought everyone I knew was gone." Dipper says worriedly as he hugs Alexis before hugging Wendy.

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