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Master Chief dashed between two promethians and smashed their heads together. He quickly turned around, and pulled out his rifles in one swift move. He started running toward the research site, shooting at promethians dually with his guns.

He was tackled by one and turned around, his weapons falling a ways away as he turned to deal with it and punched it before breaking its neck.

He was tackled by one and turned around, his weapons falling a ways away as he turned to deal with it and punched it before breaking its neck

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He slid down a slope and ran along a cliff-face, throwing a grenade behind him and killing 3 promethians. Jumping a gap, he ran down to the T-Shaped Laboratory.

Finishing off the last of the promethians in the area with his plasma rifle, he went inside and closed the doors behind him, pulling out his rifle. He had to be more careful, there could be more inside.

He scouted out the rooms on each side and turned into the left hallway. There was a light at the end and he headed toward it. Maybe survivors? He thought.

Quickly rounding the corner and checking the room he put his rifle on his back. He was in a small square room with a big screen and computers against one wall. He walked forward, maybe the screen a clue to why the Promethians had attacked. There was something on the screen but it was too dusty to see.

He touched the screen to wipe it off... suddenly he was electricuted, pain coursing through his body. He doubled over, grabbing his helmet in between his hands. It was intense for a few seconds and then finally it lessened, and stopped. He slowly got up, and looked around, seeing that no one had seen his carelessness or snuck up while he was paralyzed.

He looked at the screen, the part he wiped off, and found that it was a log entry. He looked closer and couldn't believe his eyes. On the screen it said Badly damaged Cortana model AI construct found, in need of immediate assistance.
I got this idea and I didn't want to lose it so I wrote it down but this story will be on hold until my other story Spartan 118 is finished.

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