51 | Meeting One

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"I should warn you Kook. Tae is here in the building," Jimin said.

"Here, like working?" Jungkook asked, already anxious.

"Yeah. He's upstairs with Jiwon, Bang Pd, and his management team," Jimin clarified.

"So, he's not coming to practice?"

"I'm not sure but I don't think so. All of his management team is up there so it's not looking good."

Jungkook felt tears form in his eyes. All of this was his fault. He just wanted to give them some space, not break them beyond repair. And now, all of their jobs will be affected because he fell in love with the most handsome man in the world. And then broke his heart.

He was experiencing so many mixed feelings. Did he want to see him? If so, was he ready to see him? It had been two weeks and they hadn't seen each other or spoken. He had blocked Taehyung's number to keep him from contacting him. Hearing from Tae and listening to him cry over the phone made Jungkook hurt even more. The final breakup was what was best for them both and Taehyung needed to move on. And so did he.

"Thanks for letting me know Chim. And I know we put you in the middle and I'm sorry for that."

"It's ok. We will always be VMinKook. One day maybe we will all be best friends again. And I'm sorry for spending most of my time consoling Tae. I know you were hurting as well."

"You did the right thing, sticking by him. At least one of us did. I'm happy that he had you to confide in hyung."

They heard someone coming down the steel steps and both looked toward that direction. They saw Taehyung walking down the stairs with his hands in his pockets.

Once he got to the bottom of the stairs, Taehyung saw them talking and bowed his head while inhaling and exhaling silently.

"Hey Tae. I was just waiting for you," Jimin said to distill the tension. "If you're leaving I can walk you out to your car."

Jungkook hadn't laid eyes on Taehyung in a couple of weeks. To be honest, besides the dark circles under his eyes, breaking up looked good on him. He was dressed in black business slacks and a black v-neck sweater. Looked like Chanel black suede shoes. Of course he was walking on the backs of them.

"Oh thanks but I'm good Chim," he replied with a stern facial expression. He tried to smile but the grin didn't reach his eyes. "But Jungkook, could I speak to you privately for a couple of minutes?"

He was calling him Jungkook now. After they became a couple, it had been Kookie, baby, Jungkookie, jagiya. But never Jungkook. This was really happening. Taehyung was getting over him.

Jimin looked at Jungkook, clearly worried. Jungkook swallowed hard. He felt like it was his heart he was about to choke on.

"Um sure." They stepped into the nearby empty meeting room.

Taehyung wanted to get straight to the point so that he could get home to process his feelings.

"First of all Jungkook, I'd like to apologize for all the mean things I've said to you. I didn't mean any of it. I also know I've been manipulative towards you by guilting you about the incident and the final breakup. I'm sorry about that as well."

He continued "I was thinking of trying to come back to work but I was told that one of the conditions would be that you would have to agree to it."

"Oh." That was all Jungkook could think to say. His mind was too busy trying to process how good Taehyung looked and how deliciously the cologne smelled on him.

"Management has asked that we get together and speak privately to hash things out. Not talk about the breakup but to make sure that we are ok working together again. So if you want, after your practice I was wondering if we could meet. You don't have to come alone if you feel uncomfortable."

"Oh," he repeated. "Um, I can swing by after practice if that's ok."

"Sure. Just let my manager know what time so that I can be sure to be home. And thanks for letting me talk to you."

And just like that he was gone.

Jungkook could hold the sadness in no longer. He broke down into a quiet sob. Jimin returned and rushed to him. He didn't speak to him or ask questions. Jimin just simply hugged him.

"He hates me Jimin," he said between sobs.

"I don't think that's true. I think he just hates the break up."

"Yeah, which I caused. And I've agreed to see him after my work schedule. How can I be alone with him?"

"Well, I don't have the answer for that. Only you know what you can handle. But judging by Taehyung's speaking with you, it seems he's trying to take a step at moving forward. Maybe you could extend him the courtesy in also trying?"

"Yes, you're right. Thanks Jimin. I know it's difficult being both our friends."

"Not really. Both of you are easy to love."

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