90 | Taekook + BTS

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"We've been tiptoeing around you guys, not asking any questions because you seemed to be hurting and then you got back into your little bubble," Namjoon said, starting their group meeting at Taehyung's apartment

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"We've been tiptoeing around you guys, not asking any questions because you seemed to be hurting and then you got back into your little bubble," Namjoon said, starting their group meeting at Taehyung's apartment.

"Long story short, you guys owe us so many answers," Jin said.

Hobi chimed right in. "So the noises we always heard coming from your rooms..."

"Damn. You pushed that question right out like you've been mulling over it," Jungkook said.

"Not gonna lie, when I first found out, I thought of the noises immediately. We'd have to bam on your doors you guys were so loud."

"Which ones?" Taehyung asked.

"You know which noises," Namjoon answered.

"Oh yeah, hyung you may not want to know." Taehyung could feel the heat burning his ears. He knew they were probably red.

"Wait I thought that they were just jumping up and down in the bed and wrestling like kids normally do," Jin said.

"Well you're half right. But we weren't jumping," Taehyung said and Jungkook slapped him on the shoulder.

"Oh. My God." Hobi wasn't disgusted, just stunned. This had all happened right in front of their salads for years.

"So this may be too intimate. But when did you guys get together-together? Like what year did you decide to become a couple?"

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and Kook just raised both eyebrows at him.

"Look at them. That's why and how they have always had their own unspoken language. They've been a couple all of this time," Hobi observed.

"We confessed to each other after kissing for the first time," Jungkook said.

"And what year was that?" Namjoon was determined to get a year.

Jungkook cleared his throat.

"Um, 2015," he finally breathed out.

"20 fucking 15?" Hobi asked.

"Yes," they said simultaneously.

"But we got with you guys and asked if there was something between you and you always said no." Namjoon wasn't angry but as the group leader he felt he never had control of the group. Especially the maknae line.

"Well we realize now that you guys were asking us before we even knew. And then after our confession, we didn't want to get kicked out of the group," Tae explained.

"And quite honestly we didn't know exactly how you guys felt about our being gay at the beginning. And by the time we realized you guys were cool, we were used to hiding," Jungkook clarified.

"Well we hid it from everyone except for Yoongi hyung. I think he figured it out. He would tease us a lot," Taehyung said.

"Yoongi why aren't you shocked or asking questions? You actually knew?" Jimin asked.

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