45 | Bang PD + Taekook

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The executive of Hybe, Park Jiwon, could not continue thinking that the rift between Taehyung and Jungkook would just subside

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The executive of Hybe, Park Jiwon, could not continue thinking that the rift between Taehyung and Jungkook would just subside. BTS was the main brand of their company and he needed to step in. Even Namjoon had thrown his hands up. It was time for corporate to get involved.

So there he was in his office with the two Maknaes of the group sitting across from him. The rest of the guys were spread out around the office.

Jiwon was getting no where with Taehyung or Jungkook. Taehyung was seething. Jungkook was mad but with a sad element to his anger. They wouldn't even look at each other.

The rest of the members were in disarray. Namjoon couldn't get them to communicate. Seokjin would take Jungkook's side no matter what. Yoongi didn't see why he had to leave his bed to come watch the idiots ignore each other. Hoseok was confused. Jimin was crying. This was a big mess.

Jiwon needed positive reinforcements. He called on the one person he knew could straighten the guys out and that was Bang Si-hyuk. Bang or Hitman Bang was their founder and more of a father figure to them. The CEO was relieved once Bang made it to his office.

"So what's going on guys?" Bang asked as he leaned on Jiwon's desk facing Tae and Kook.

"Sir, they—-" Namjoon started but was interrupted by Bang.

"Thanks Joonie but I'd like these two to talk to me." Bang stared at them.

The two just stared back for a while.

"We are all a family here. And to get past this, I believe we need to start with the truth-the baseline for your fight." Bang waited for them to start talking.

"Ok if you don't start talking I will," he said.

Jungkook looked up in horror. He gulped air and swallowed hard.

Taehyung just shrugged and smugly looked indifferent.

Bang was not there to play games and everyone in the room knew it. So he kicked things off.

"Fine. Jiwon, Joon, Jin, Yoongs, Hobi, and Jimin," he started by nodding his head respectfully to each one as he said their name. "This fight is not what you may think it's about. Isn't that right guys?"

The two still kept quiet. Jungkook was already about to cry. Taehyung was so angry that his nostrils were flaring.

"Hitman, what is it about. We're confused," said Namjoon.

"Speak for yourself Joonie. Not all of us are confused," Yoongi said.

"Well it seems that this public fight happened because these two had a private rift," Bang announced.

"We all know that," replied Jiwon.

"But what you don't know is they are fighting because...." Jungkook and Taehyung both looked at him with horror.

He stared at them both and finished.

"They just broke up."

The room was full of gasps. Namjoon was speechless. Jin had his lips in a perfect O. Hoseok looked as if he were horrified. Yoongi was bored already. Jimin stood to go to the two younger boys and hugged them both and cried even harder.

Bang gave them all some time to calm down. Jungkook cleaned his face and blew his nose with a tissue from Jiwon's desk.

"You two have been together?" Namjoon asked with a look of betrayal on his face.

"I knew it!" Jin yelled while shaking his head.

"You didn't know it," Yoongi said.

"Well I assumed it," Jin corrected.

Hoseok stood quietly.

"Now here is what needs to happen. You seven need to work this out. With these two fighting, it will continue to throw off your schedules," Jiwon said.

"Tae, you haven't been keeping your schedule anyways. It's about time you man up and think about the rest of the group and not just yourself. I know you're hurt and I feel you. But you need to come back to the practices," Namjoon added.

"Don't talk to him like that. You don't even know why he's hurting," Jungkook finally spoke out as he stood to face Namjoon.

The rest were in shock. Jungkook never spoke to Namjoon like this.

"Shut up, Kook. I don't need you to step in and support me now. That time has passed," Tae stood and hissed.

"Taehyung, we just need to talk ok," Jungkook suggested.

"Talk? Where were you when I needed to talk to someone before? You sent me to Hitman. Then he suggested that I was being selfish for wanting to come out to the group and the fans." Taehyung was in tears too.

"Wait, you tried to come out?" Jimin asked.

"Taehyung that is not the advice I gave you. You perceived it that way because you were really mad at JK because he wouldn't go along with your plan. I just asked you to consider how he felt as well. I love the both of you like sons. I'm ok with whomever you choose to love. But I also love BTS. And it's my job to help take care of the group."

"So you put the group over me," Tae clarified.

"Tae you are the group. All seven of you. I told you what I thought was best for all of you at the time."

The oxygen level seemed to drop in the office.

Jungkook reached for Tae's hand. "Taehyung please we can talk about this. We've spent so much time apart. We can fix this by talking it out ok?"

"Are you ready to come out?" Taehyung asked.

"Can we talk about this in private?"

"No. It's a yes or no. Right now Jungkook. Do you love me or not? Are you ready to acknowledge our relationship publicly? And don't give me that shit about us being simply private and not a secret."

"Tae you know I love you. Don't manipulate me into doing something I'm not ready to do." Jungkook's face was red and puffy.

Taehyung pulled his hand back. He wiped his tears off of his face with his sleeve.

"Fine. None of you have to worry about this manipulator any longer." He looked around and left. Jimin tried to follow him.

Bang stopped Jimin from leaving.

"He needs time Jimin."

"I'm his best friend. He needs me."

"He's right Chim," Namjoon said. "And Jungkook is still here and hurt. He needs us too."

Bang and Jiwon looked at each other and sighed. Neither knew what would happen to BTS after the meeting.

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