52 | Meeting Two

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"Hey," Jungkook said as Taehyung opened the door for him. Jungkook suddenly remembered that he actually still had another key to Taehyung's apartment and may need to give it back to him.

"Hey," Tae answered back. And then he looked Jungkook over and realized he was no longer in his sweats. He was wearing khaki shorts with a white shirt that was low cut and sexy. The shorts were fitting him a little snugly and made Taehyung gasp.

Why is he dressed like this? Where the fuck were his baggy sweats and extra-long t-shirt?

"Sorry to hold you at the door. Please, come in."

Jungkook stepped a couple of feet in and heard a voice coming from the living area.

"Tae are you gonna..." Jihoon was saying as he walked toward the kitchen and entryway. Once he saw Jungkook, he stopped in his tracks.

"Oh, hey Jungkook. I thought the door ring was our food," Jihoon explained.

Jungkook was shocked to see him there. One, he figured Tae wanted to speak to him privately. Two, Taehyung's relationship with Park Jihoon had caused plenty of fights between them in the past.

"If this is a bad time Taehyung, we can do this at another time. I know I'm a bit early," Jungkook said without looking at Jihoon. Kook's jaw clenched.

"No. Now is perfect. We ordered food from that Indian place you like. I ordered your favorite. I hope you don't mind," Tae clarified.

"And I'll get going Tae. Don't worry about my food. Keep it for leftovers. Call me if you need me," Jihoon said, kissing Tae on the cheek before leaving. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Um, do you want to sit in the living area or the kitchen?" Tae asked.

"The kitchen is fine," Jungkook answered and poked his tongue into his jaw. His nostrils were flaring.

They sat at the kitchen island, both looking everywhere but at each other.

Finally, Tae spoke.

"Oh before I forget, the beers you like from the States that I ordered for you finally arrived. They're here on the counter. Please take them. You know I won't drink them."

"Thanks a lot," Jungkook said looking inside the box. There was a bottle of beer missing.

"But did you decide to try one? I see there's one missing. Or is it in the fridge?" He thought he'd drink it if Tae had put one in to get cold.

"No. Jihoon had chilled one and drank it. I hope you don't mind. You both have the same expensive tastes when it comes to beer."

"Wow look at you knowing all of your friend's tastes," Jungkook said sarcastically.

Taehyung didn't respond. If he did then he'd be the one that got called toxic. He let it go.

"So, I'm sure your manager spoke to you about this visit. We're supposed to spend an hour getting along. And at the end of the hour, you will make a decision whether you feel comfortable or no longer threatened to be in my company." He was speaking robotically, without emotion. His eyes glanced once more at Jungkook's chest and he inhaled and exhaled to get past the physical attraction he felt.

"So, you and Jihoon? You guys hanging out now?" Jungkook asked, clearly salty about it.

"Well, you know we've always been friends. When you and I were together he was on my no-no list as you put it. So we only texted every so often as you already know. But we reconnected on Instagram when I had, you know, the meltdown. He came over to play video games. He was going to leave after the food arrived but then you came early before the delivery, so..."

Jungkook just stared at him. He had always been jealous of Park Jihoon and the fact they were together alone pissed him off.

He looked at Tae and took note that he was still dressed in his all-black ensemble from before. He was wearing the cologne that Jungkook had bought him in Qatar. He smelled delicious. And he looked divine, though sad.

The doorbell rang, interrupting the quiet awkwardness. Taehyung retrieved their dinner from the delivery driver and they began to eat. They were in silence again until Jungkook wanted to get something off of his chest.

"Tae. I'm sorry for the way we split. I didn't mean to hurt you. But, at the time I couldn't see making a rash decision to come out. I'm sorry."

"Oh, I get it. Trust me it's ok. Before we became..well, us, we have to remember that we were once best friends Jungkook. And I've always wanted you to be happy. And if being with me especially publicly made you unhappy, or coming out made you unhappy, then I would want you to go. It's just that being in love doesn't stop because the other person leaves. But I want you to know that I won't bully you or manipulate you into being together again. I've accepted the decision and want to continue working with the band until our contract is over."

Jungkook nodded and took a drink of his mango lassi.

"Tae how can we work together and you can't stand to look at me now?"

"Well, at work, I won't have to look at you for long periods of time and in sexy clothing. Like you're wearing now," he answered as he nodded toward Jungkook's low cut tight-fitting shirt. "It would be less intimate than here at my house. I assume that's why the company thought that it would be better if we could meet privately first. If we can be around each other without fighting or doing other things for about an hour then we should be able to stand to work together."

"Hmm," Jungkook remarked. He was happy that Tae thought he was sexy right now. The outfit did its job.

They finished eating in silence.

"So, are you going to date Jihoon now?" Jungkook asked out of nowhere.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Well, you guys crushed on each other before and he kissed you on the cheek when he left like there's something between you."

"No. There's nothing like that between us. You and I just broke up two weeks ago. Are you already dating someone?" Taehyung asked. His heart felt like it was coming up through his throat.

"No. It hasn't even crossed my mind," Jungkook answered. "We broke up over whether we should come out or not. Not because I wanted someone else."

There was a bit more silence.

"So, are we gonna be friends now?" Jungkook asked.

"Jungkook, I can't right now. The only relationship I can have with you is professional. This should be the last time we spend time alone. I'm not ready for that."

"I understand. And I want you to know that I'm ok with you returning to work. I actually want you to come back. We're not BTS without you. Either we're seven or we're none. One more year and you can be rid of me if that's what you want."

"Thank you. I'll let my manager know. And please if you'd talk to yours as well that would be great. Thanks so much for stopping by and getting this talk out of the way. If everything works out I'll see you on Monday for rehearsal I guess." Tae had tears in his eyes.

"Yeah," Jungkook said as he took the hint that the hour was already up and Taehyung was ready for him to leave. He grabbed the case of beer and left. Once he got into his car, he broke down and cried. It felt like they were breaking up all over again.

Thanks for continuing to read TF! I believe we are halfway through the book or a couple chapters over halfway. So the story is almost done!

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