🙅‍♀️Jerk Eijiro Kirishima X Bullied Reader- I can't take anymore🙅‍♀️

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Image by MISA- Twitter

Reader is very insecure of their image that is portrayed to the world. Unfortunately for the reader Bakugo has recruited another student to join his bully gang. The red haired boy that sits directly in front of the reader in class. Eijiro Kirishima.

Reader quirk: Confession

Reader can after asking a question force the victim to answer the question truthfully to get their true thoughts, intentions and secrets.

Word count: 1563


Waking up I open my eyes to the light that shines through my window. I grumble slightly knowing I have to get up for school. I sat up and climbed out of bed, dragging myself to the bathroom to freshen up. After I was done I got dressed and made my way to the kitchen to get breakfast. Mother wasn't home for the week so I had to do everything myself. I yawned as I approached the kitchen opening the cupboard and grabbing a glass. I turned the tap on and filled the glass up. Turning the tap off I decided I will skip breakfast and head straight to class. Downing my drink I pick up my bag and sling it over my shoulder walking out of my door. I quickly locked it as I took a slow stroll to school.

When arriving I noticed Bakugo and Kirishima talking. I tried to slip by but Bakugo had other ideas.

"OI." He yelled, grabbing my collar. "Make me spill any secrets to you again and I will kill you. Got it!"

I nodded as he dropped me. Thankfully I landed on my feet. I gulped slightly as I rushed inside to get to class. I walked in to see Midoryia and Uraraka talking.

"Uh Uraraka you're kinda sat in my seat." I mumbled.

"Oh sorry Y/N." She giggled, standing up and moving.

I sat down and put my bag by my feet. I tapped my foot as more people pilled in. Kirishima sat in his seat in front of me and I let out a small sigh. He's became such a jerk this past week. I tend to try and ignore him and his glares. I don't really have the best quirk around here but its very useful in some ways but not good enough to be in class 1A. I got lost in thought that I didn't realise class had started. Present Mics voice took me out of my thoughts.

"You have a project that needs to be completed before next week. You are in groups of three. I am going to pass a piece of paper to you and then you need to find your group." He yelled.

I had the letter Ba and Ki on my paper. What? Then it hit me. Im with Bakugo and Kirishima. I tensed as I felt a presence behind me.

"Ugh I'm stuck with you." Bakugo fake gagged. "At least I have dumb hair with me so I don't have to talk to you."

I turned around to see his eyes clenched shut. I mentally slapped myself to ignore him but it still hurt. Kirishima turned around in his seat and just laughed.

"We might get a better grade if we do all the work anyway." Kirishima added making Bakugo snort.

I felt tears brim my eyes as I blinked to get rid of them. I took a shaky breath to calm myself down which didn't work.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME?" I screamed at Bakguo, activating my quirk and getting the attention of the class.

"Thats none of your business." He growled, before realising what I had done.

"Tell me everything!" I spat.

"You don't belong here. Your quirk is useless and you're going to take my best friend away from me because he stupidly has a crush on you." Bakugo spoke. "Which is why he's mean to you because I refuse to let you ruin his life."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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