Growing Pains

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Wanda stared at the door as it closed behind Peter, not knowing what to do now that he had left. Usually she would sit and watch tv, or she would steal his computer to play a game. But today, she was beyond bored, but anxious at the same time. Maybe it had something to do with Peter going to Oscorp for the first time in a long time. She sat on the couch, her leg bouncing up and down.

"I can't sit like this." Wanda jumped up, and began to walk towards the kitchen.

"Hi Wanda." May looked like she was packing a lunch, putting a bag of chips into her lunch bag.

"Hey May. Where are you off to?"

"Feast. The boss is coming in today, so I really have to be there."

"You aren't even the slightest bit nervous?" Wanda asked, hopping up to sit on the counter.

"No, Martin is actually a sweetheart. Not an ounce of negativity in the guy's body."

"If you say so."

May looked at Wanda, who was playing with a red glowing ball she had created.

"Wanda? Are you alright?"

"Eh. I don't know what's wrong. I think I'm worried about Peter going to Oscorp? I just can't really focus on anything else."

May sat down on the counter next to Wanda, and nudged her.

"Hey. Peter can take care of himself. I've seen it first hand. Seriously, no fifteen year old should be able to lift an entire couch by himself."

Wanda laughed, and looked down at the kitchen floor.

"You should go out. I don't think you've been out in the city the entire time you've been here." May suggested, hopping off the counter and grabbing her bag.

"I don't know. Technically I'm supposed to be on the run from the law." Wanda rolled her eyes, and started playing with her powers again.

"So do that thing Captain Rogers did. Just wear a hat and a pair of sunglasses. It'll probably work." May smiled at Wanda one last time, before she left the house.

Wanda sat there for a second, before she took a deep breath, and walked to her and Peter's room. She opened her side of the closet, taking a hat, and taking her sunglasses off her dresser, before she walked out of the house.


"I cannot believe this actually worked." Wanda looked around at the people walking past her, none of them noticing her standing right next to them. As she walked throughout the city, she made her way to all of the big tourist attractions, finally stopping at Avengers tower. As she stared up at the giant logo on the top of the building, she felt herself start to tear up.

"You miss it too?"

Wanda turned to see Peter standing behind her, looking upset too. "What are you doing here?"

"Oscorp isn't that far. Thought I'd go for a walk, and I ended up here. What about you?"

"I didn't wanna sit in the house. Somehow ended up here too."

Both Peter and Wanda continued staring at the top of the tower, until Wanda broke the silence.

"How's it going at Oscorp?"

Peter snapped out of his daze. "Huh? Oh, surprisingly okay. Me and Doctor Connors are trying to find out a way to create a serum that would help regrow missing limbs."

"Like a reptile?" Wanda questioned, seeming confused.

"Exactly like a reptile."

Wanda nodded, and turned back to the tower. "Just be careful. Oscorp and all, you know?"

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