𝟎𝟎𝟐 . 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀

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"Send me a message if u're already home! ;)"

A message from April. She sent you that after your nightly hangout and after she told you they had an urgent meeting with someone. You enjoyed your time with them somehow, and you know how every person has their own other plans, too.

And some things you've witnessed were strange, especially the points you received from April and from this new guy, Casey Jones II.

The glowing baseball bat, mutants, aliens, heroes, and time travel stuff? Who in the average city would have that?

But you were not surprised, like the first day you saw a human transform into something terrible, a mutant that just tickled your neck.

All you could think now was that you got lucky. You shrugged it off and realized you had walked further than earlier after you came down from the taxi. Your apartment was almost here, and after a little more walking, you're finally back home.

You checked your phone once again; it's been minutes since April sent a message to you, and the time was getting late, and so the people in the streets were getting less.

You were on your own as you walked through, but you didn't have to fret, right? Thinking everything is alright, no strangers would pounce on you, and you'd have to walk quickly to reach your door.

Before you could take another step, almost to your destination's building, a strange figure emerged in front of you. The talons were razor-sharp, and the eyes burned scarlet in the dim light. It seemed to be a beast.

You stepped back. You could've hoped you didn't think of any danger, but you couldn't help it; this is what you lived in.

The beast marched his foot closer to you, and you were there, stepping back as you saw the beast drooling for your piece to be chomped. The beast's talons grew longer as he raised his hand to slash you. Before you could even run to avert the attack, an igniting chain rolled over the beast's wrist, causing the beast to rage. 

"Bad doggy!" someone yelled behind the beast, and the chain was yanked on the beast and fired on the other side, sending his back crashing into the ground with a loud thud.

You were stunned, and it was still not safe to pass by that mutant beast figure and all.

After he smashed and fell him on the ground or either side of each building a few times and tied the beast, he took a glance at you from a distance. He looked like a turtle figure and was wearing an orange bandana. "Are you alright?" he asked. You were speechless for a moment from what just happened, and the freezing sensation in your hands was still there.

"Yes. Thank you," you replied, regaining your breathing from how you were nervous back there. It was strange that you were talking to an actual mutant.

"No problemo!" he exclaimed with a bright smile on his face. This mutant looked friendly and stable, unlike others who went feral. There might be an adjustment.

You smiled back, despite your heart pumping rapidly. His smile was contagious, and you gained a little trust since this guy saved you from those deadly talons.

"So, you're alone- AAH!" he screamed when the beast roared, attempting to escape from the chain and bite the turtle with his sharp fangs. The turtle swiftly punched the beast in the face a few times until he lost consciousness again.

The turtle in the orange bandana panted as he adjusted the chain of his nunchaku more tightly, and then he faced you again. "Why're you out here alone?" he asked, his browbones furrowing in worry.

"Actually, my friends went away out of urgency," you explained, and the turtle nodded in understanding.

"Are you uncomfy in some way 'round me?" he asked. He would like to guide you on your way, just in case another mutant was about to attack another victim. If you were uneasy with him, he would let you go, and he would also make sure he kept himself hidden to watch over the mutants who would be on your way.

"Uh, for a moment, I was?" you replied, unsure of what you said, and you saw the turtle just sweetly smiled at you.

"Alright, I'll be around, and FYI, you're safe to continue," the turtle informed as he leaped away and held on to the rail of the apartment building as he lifted the tied beast with his nunchaku. "I'm Michelangelo. Mikey, for short!" he introduced himself, keeping his tone lively, and he leaped again as he pulled the tied beast with him and continued to disappear in the shadows. He knew he couldn't introduce himself, but he just loved that some people knew his name, too!

You nodded in return. It was good to know there were some good mutants, but you were still wondering what kind of mutant he was. Or was it only a costume? How was his nunchaku's chain extended? There were still many questions left in the back of your mind. However, who were you to stay for a little longer to cure your aching curiosity?

Meanwhile, Mikey was still there in the other building, hiding in the shadows, watching you on your way to your apartment to make sure nothing around you was at risk.

When you disappeared from his sight and entered your apartment, he smiled in relief. Another night of saving someone again. Then his communication wristband lit up, and he clicked it to answer the call.

"Mikey! Is my friend safe? The mutant escaped from us earlier," April stated from the other side of the call.

"Wait. Your friend!?" Mikey asked, exaggerating his surprise at having just learned the new information. He assumed you were alone because your friend, April, had left for their mission.

"Yeah, we saw that mutant following her." April sighed. "Don't tell me, you didn't catch him, too?"

"Nope!" Mikey blurted. "I caught the mutant, and she is safe. I kept an eye on her," he clarified.

"Thanks, dude. Now, get back here and throw that mutant where he belongs!" April snickered.

"Will do!" Mikey exclaimed as he ended the call and leaped to the other building, the tied beast still in his grasp.

𝗕𝗘𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗢 ✧ y! leonardo hamatoWhere stories live. Discover now