𝟎𝟏𝟑 . 𝗶𝘁 𝗳𝗲𝗹𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂

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Curling beneath the blanket, cold sweats rolled down your forehead. The void of the shadow's eyes was creeping back into your mind; even the nogitsune was gone for a while. It came back in parallel all over again to disrupt your peaceful nights. This shadow was not only emerging during the night but also during the day ever since the first day in the arcade.

Sometimes, its silhouette passed your window. When you peeked outside the window, you only felt a wind caressing your questions. Were you hallucinating to see these? You were aware you had been lacking sleep lately, yet it couldn't be that bad. It all felt alive to you.

You gripped your blanket in urgency, reassuring yourself that there was nothing to fear. You only have to concentrate on resting your whole being for the night. Taking deep breaths with your eyes closed, you brought tranquility to your sleep. Yet you could feel the wind outside whisper, which made your eyes open. You looked over your shoulder, stretching your eyes out, as the harsh light of truth woke you up.

"Shit...! It's in front of my window again," you cursed under your breath, retreating yourself against the headboard of your bed. Great, now this unknown figure had no shame to face itself to you while you were there, trembling to its unwavering gaze.

Unsteady breathing and frost embraced your body as you froze in place. Then, the figure became accentuated in your sight, getting closer to putting its hand prints on the seamless glass of the window. "This is getting worse. Please, just stop. I must be dreaming. This is a dream," you muttered as you reached for the table lamp's switch, only to grasp the air. You missed holding it at some point as you fixed on the figure, searching for any sign of its risk. The figure's motions were simple, yet they held the anticipation of your heart attack at any time.

Until you captured the pull string in your grasp as it cast a warm, golden glow in the shrouded darkness. The richer hues spread around the room, and the sight of the figure shocked you. "Oh my god. You again!?" you exclaimed, your voice had a glint of frustration.

Leo froze in his place as he swallowed the lump in his throat hard. The invisible force was preventing him from walking away. "Why does it sound like you're avoiding seeing me again?" he asked, his voice vibrating against the window.

A sharp sigh escaped your lips after you heard it, burying your face into your hands. "I'm stressed out, okay?" you argued, chafing your face against your palms. This caught him off guard. He didn't bother in his mind that you have been feeling this way since you bottled up your emotions.

"Woah, woah, hold on," he blurted out as he swiftly drew out his sword from its sheath. As the weapon left its resting place, a surge of energy pulsed through the air, crackling with power. He traced intricate patterns in the air as the tip of his sword left a trail of shimmering light in its wake. Then, he stepped forward in a flash of light and teleported inside your room. "I... (Y/N)," he called you out as he ambled towards your direction, concern written on his face as your face buried in your hands.

The silence from you didn't help ease him. This awakened his insight after all this time. He sighed as he hesitated to sit by you, attempting to understand if you would be comfortable with him by your side. Anyway, he eventually sat in the bed next to you, letting you know he was there to listen. "Can you tell me more about your feelings right now?" he asked, ensuring his attention would never divert without knowing your concern.

It took you a moment to gather these ponders in your head, which have been pacing for a while. "Exhausted and scared, I guess," you mumbled as you lifted your face from your hands. "I've been experiencing this for a few months now. I'm not sure if this shadowy being would attack me at any time, like it was watching me most of the time," you continued.

He took a while to absorb this revelation of yours. Perhaps, considering his actions now. Sure, he was protecting her there and here, but was she thinking it could be him watching her in the shadows? It was kind of a concern for him. "I bet that shadow doesn't have plans to attack you," he assured, "especially when I'm here," he continued. "Its presence looks like a threat, but, you know," he left his words in the air, cupping your cheek in a gentle grasp and making your gaze lock to his. "I'll always be here for you, right?" he mumbled, his thumb traced on your cheek in a delicate pattern.

Your words didn't slip out of your lips at the odd sensation of his gesture. The sincerity in his gaze was crystal clear to you. Even though the recognition was right for you, there was a missing piece to it you haven't yet observed. There was just something in his now-half-lidded eyes and soft grin. Meanwhile, Leo's perception caught onto the weight of your silence, hanging in the air like an unspoken question begging for an answer. He only let out a subtle chuckle as he chose not to mind it, even though he already knew your response.

"Your sweat feels cold, querida," he murmured, his thumb trailing down the cool beads of sweat from your jawline. His touch in motion snapped you out of your thoughts, realizing the gesture he just made once more. "You need to rest," he advised as he withdrew his hand from your face. Then, his free hand landed on your shoulder, pulling you down gently on the welcoming warmth of the bedsheet. Once your back pressed against the delicate fabric, he seized the blanket, enfolding it around you with a protective embrace.

"Leo," you called him, as it made him divert his gaze to you. "Every time I see the shadow, it feels like you," you continued, and he glanced away for a moment to process this statement of yours. He was not sure how to form the right words to answer, so he went on a scoff. "Are you saying I'm mysterious, like the shadow? I'll take that as a compliment," he answered as he widened his grin.

Your lips pursed into a thin line as he didn't consider exploring further your assumptions to find their identity. "Whatever," you huffed as you tucked yourself more into the blanket.

"But," he hung the words in the air, "it's nothing to be concerned about," he reassured. Then he reached out and tousled your hair, his fingers weaving through the strands with gentle mischief. "Sleep well, preciosa."

Amidst the twinkling stars that adorned the sleeping cityscape, the shadow loomed, casting a wary stare on your dimly illuminated room. Perched on the rooftop, his communication wristband lit up with the voice, "Ah, Michael, greetings. I'm thrilled to show you my latest technological marvel."

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