Chapter 9

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Four years had passed. Devlin was now nineteen years old. He had proven himself to have both excellent fighting skills and managerial skills. Janghyeok Woo had praised him and promoted him to the position of executive.

Donald was now twelve years old. Devlin had started training him how to fight when he was ten years old. He attended the same elementary school as Gray, Sunnyside Elementary School. The two boys were both introverts and remained great friends.

The two brothers now had a proper home. Devlin had rented an apartment and had enough money to also buy some cheap furniture. They both had their own beds to sleep in, although they found it strange at first due to being so used to huddling close to each other protectively. They had a refrigerator and freezer to store leftovers and refrigerated or frozen products in. They both had new clothes and Donald had new school supplies.

Neither boys could bring themselves to throw out their old clothes and old backpacks. It just felt so wasteful. They ended up using the old clothes as rags for any spills or messes that needed to be cleaned up. They continued to use the backpacks as emergency kits. Each backpack now contained three sets of clothes, some food bars, some cash, a mini first aid kit, some water, and a map with the nearest shelters circled. 

In case something happened, such as one of Cheongang's enemies finding out where Devlin lived and wanting revenge, the two brothers could grab those bags and flee. Devlin made sure to keep the food bars and water up to date though. If they were within a week of expiration, they ate the food bars and drank the water and Devlin replaced them with new ones.

Devlin never told Donald that he was in a gang. Instead, he lied and said he was part of an underground fight club. If he told Donald that he was part of a gang, Devlin knew that Donald would try to join. Devlin didn't want Donald to join the dangerous criminal life.


"I have promoted both Changhui Han and Joowon Lee to the rank of executive," Janghyeok Woo announced one day. "Both have shown great skills in managing subordinates, accomplishing missions, and winning fights,"

Devlin managed to hide his surprise. 'That's right, those two are also part of Cheongang. I either hadn't worked alongside them on the same mission before, or if I was leading a mission I had probably overlooked them and thought of them as fodder no name members like the rest of Cheongang,'

'Changhui Han...he's my favorite Weak Hero character. Not only is he hot, but he's a powerful and worthy leader of the second generation of Cheongang. Cheongang doubled in size under his leadership. Can I...will I be able to keep up with them? I've gotten stronger over the years, but I still don't think my fighting abilities are all that great compared to Donald's skills in canon,'

'Not only that this all I want to do with my life? I don't think Cheongang will last forever. I need to get my GED and an actual job eventually. I have enough money saved up that Donald and I would be fine for at least a couple months. That's more than enough time to find a new job. Since I've been eating more, I'm not malnourished and I've put on some weight and muscle. If needed, I'll do menial labor like construction work,'

'I...want to stop fighting. Now that Donald and I are financially secure for the time being, I want to stop. I want to be a better influence and role model for my little brother. If possible, I'd like for Donald to never create the Union. I don't want to see him hurt again. It...If he's covered in wounds from a'd remind me too much of that hellhole,'

But the real question could Devlin leave Cheongang? If he told Janghyeok he'd want to leave, would Janghyeok react the same way Changyeon Lee had done to Kenny when he left Manwol? If Devlin sustained serious injuries from a beating, Donald would vow to get revenge. If Devlin were to be crippled like Kenny, it'd affect the list of potential jobs he could work at.

Devlin contemplated his choices for an entire month before deciding to quit. He approached his boss in his office and nervously stood in front of him. 

"What is it, Devlin?" Janghyeok asked.

"Sir, I'd like to leave Cheongang," It was a miracle that he hadn't stuttered.

Janghyeok narrowed his eyes and scrutinized Devlin with his gaze. "Such a shame. You were the top candidate to be my successor and the leader of the second generation,"

This time, Devlin couldn't hide his shock. "S-Sir? I think you're mistaken. I'm not worthy of even being a candidate to be your successor,"

"You've actually grown quite a lot since you first joined," Janghyeok told him. "If you really are intent on leaving Cheongang, there's one thing I'd like you to do,"

'Please don't kill me...'

"Fight Changhui Han,"

'I'm gonna die,'


'I should've just sucked it up and continued working for Cheongang,' Devlin sweat-dropped as everyone gathered around to watch the fight. 'I'm going to die at the hands of my favorite character,'

Changhui threw the first punch and Devlin managed to dodge barely in the nick of time. Changhui threw another punch but while Devlin was focused on dodging that, he failed to dodge the kick to his side. Devlin still stood and only focused on dodging. He didn't always succeed in dodging and winced every time Changhui landed a hit.

"How disappointing," Janghyeok scoffed. "Devlin Na, if you want to leave Cheongang then fight for your freedom!"

'I can't just continue to only dodge,' Devlin finally punched Changhui and the hit landed on Changhui's shoulder.

The fight continued. Changhui's hits were very strong and heavy but Devlin was quicker and nimble. Devlin managed to deliver his own powerful attacks, though they weren't as strong as Changhui's. In the end, Devlin miraculously won.

"That settles it," Janghyeok said as he lit a cigarette. "You're no longer part of Cheongang,"

Another Cheongang member helped Changhui up and all of them left, leaving Devlin alone. Devlin collapsed to his knees and lied down on his back, staring up at the sky. His body ached badly but right now, he was still processing what had just happened.

'I won. I actually beat Changhui at his current strength. But given that he first lost to Joowon and then he beat Joowon in a rematch, if I fight Changhui again in the future I'll definitely lose. I still can't believe Janghyeok actually just let me leave after beating Changhui,'

He groaned as he finally decided to get back up. 'I'm glad I have a lot of money saved up. I can just rest while my wounds here for the next few days. I don't have to worry about finding work immediately,' He took out his phone to check the time. 'Usually no matter how injured I am, I'd still just walk home. But right now, I guess I'll take a cab,'

Word Count: 1173

Devlin left Cheongang, but that doesn't mean Cheongang won't appear again.
After all, the ship in this story is Devlin X Changhui.

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