Chapter 10

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Donald was furious when he saw his big brother come home late at night covered in injuries much worse than before. "Who did this to you!?"

"Don, it's a fight club," Devlin continued the lie, still not wanting Donald to know that he had been in a gang all these years. "Of course I'd get injured. Besides, it was my final fight. I quit that place and plan to get a normal job once again after my injuries completely heal,"

"I could get a part-time job—"

"Absolutely not," Devlin cut him off. "You're a literal child. You're twelve. Earning money is not your responsibility,"

"You didn't get to live your childhood either!"

"Donald, I already told you that I was an adult when I ended up in Devlin's body," Devlin reminded. "I had already lived my own childhood. A kid like you already suffered so much so right now, you should just focus on actually being a kid. It's not like we're going to end up homeless again overnight. We still have a lot saved up for the next few months at least,"

"You're always doing so much for me," Donald said. "I want to repay you,"

"You don't have to repay me," Devlin told him. "I did it all because I love you. You're my little brother,"

"Since you quit the fight club, you're not gonna get hurt anymore, right?" Donald asked.

"That's right!" Devlin grinned and gave him a thumbs up. "I'm gonna go for a calmer job that doesn't end up with me getting beaten up!"

'We're going to always need money in order to survive in this world,' Donald thought. 'I want to somehow earn money so Dev doesn't have to bear the entire financial burden,'


Once Devlin's wounds were completely healed, he started job hunting again. He ended up getting hired by a tea shop. The atmosphere was very peaceful and his coworkers were very friendly. 

One day near closing time, Devlin heard the familiar chime of the door opening. "Hi, welcome!" When he saw who had entered, he was surprised to see Changhui Han. "Changhui? What are you doing here?"

"I like tea," Changhui simply said. "I decided to try visiting a different tea shop since the one I usually go tea closed down,"

"This isn't in Mapo though," Devlin told him.

"Mapo is Cheongang's territory but I don't have to stay within Mapo for something such as drinking tea," Changhui pointed out. "Drinking tea has nothing to do with Mapo,"

"I guess you have a point," Devlin shrugged. "What can I get you?"

"I'll have black tea and a vanilla scone with blueberry jam," Changhui ordered and took a seat at a table.

Devlin quickly prepared Changhui's order. He brought his drink and scone to his table. He also placed a plate with three macaroons in front of him. "The macaroons are on the house since we're closing for the day in a few minutes and you're our last customer. These three are red velvet, cookies and cream, and guava flavored,"

"Hmm," Changhui took a bite of the guava flavored one. "It's good,"

"I'm glad it's to your liking," Devlin smiled. 

"So you left Cheongang just to become a measly tea shop worker?"


Changhui was staring right at him with a sharp gaze. "Janghyeok acknowledged you as a potential leader of the second generation. You gave that opportunity up just so you could work at a tea shop? Do you think Cheongang is some sort of joke? Did Cheongang mean that little to you?"

Devlin's smile disappeared. "That sort of life isn't meant for me. Besides, I think you'd make a better leader of the second generation than me,"

"Janghyeok is also considering Joowon for the position," 

"Joowon is stronger than you," Devlin said. "But you have the tenacity and the charisma to be the leader. Me? I'm not leader material. Cheongang would struggle and most likely fall under my leadership,"

Changhui finished eating in silence and then left.


Changhui returned the next day at the same time. He was once again the only customer. He ordered the same thing as the day before and took a seat at the same table. Devlin made Changhui's order and added a few mini sandwiches.

"I guess you enjoyed the tea since you came back today," Devlin said.

"Come back to Cheongang,"

Devlin was surprised by Changhui's request. "Why?"

"You've already proven yourself to be a valuable asset to Cheongang," Changhui told him. 

"I told you that I'm not suited for that kind of life," Devlin shook his head.

"You've been in Cheongang for years," Changhui pointed out. "You became an executive and was put in charge of the Action Squad. You are suited for the gang life,"

"No, I'm not," Devlin denied. "Besides, it's not your call to make. Do you really think Janghyeok would even want me back after I decided to leave on my own free will?"

"Even if he doesn't want you back, I want you back,"

Devlin was once again surprised but still shook his head. "That's not your call to make,"


Changhui still returned on the third day at the same time. He ordered another black tea and scone just like the previous two days. This time Devlin brought over a fruit parfait in addition to his order.

Devlin also brought over the first aid kit when he noticed that Changhui was wounded. "Since you're already here, let me treat your wounds,"

"I just finished up a fight before heading over to here," Changhui said as he let Devlin disinfect and bandage his wounds.

"You should've at least tended to your wounds first," Devlin scolded as he finished putting on the last bandaid.

"Come back to Cheongang,"

'I'm pretty sure Changhui Han would never be this desperate for me to return in canon,' Devlin thought. 'Then again, Devlin Na never existed in canon. Also, when Janghyeok told him that he'd leave Cheongang when it was time to leave, he looked kinda sad in that panel. He probably didn't want Janghyeok to leave even though it meant he'd be the new leader. Does he feel that way towards me now?'

"I already told you that I'm not suited for that kind of life," Devlin once again refused. "I don't want to continue being a gang member,"

"Then why did you join in the first place?" Changhui asked. "Why did you join, stay for years, rose up to the rank of executive, only to leave?"

"I needed the money," Devlin confessed. "My little brother and I were homeless and living in the streets. We barely had food to eat and I had just lost both of my jobs. It's already tough enough getting a job as a fourteen year old so I was desperate enough to join a gang,"

"You'd still get paid more as a Cheongang executive than as a tea shop worker," Changhui pointed out.

"I don't like fighting," Devlin revealed. "You and the others may enjoy the adrenaline rush, but I don't. I hate fighting and I hate getting hurt," It reminded him of when he and Donald stayed in that hellhole.

Word Count: 1150

Devlin's not gonna get rid of Changhui that easily.

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