Chapter 17

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Donald and Gray had both applied for and got accepted into Byuksan Middle School. Since Byuksan was considered to be an elite middle school, Mom Yeon and Devlin decided to celebrate with a small party. While everyone was as the Yeon House and Mom Yeon prepared the food, Devlin left to buy a cake from a bakery.

'I'm glad,' Devlin thought as he paid for the congratulatory cake and exited the bakery. 'This is proof that I really did change the timeline. In the canon timeline, Donald transferred to Yeo-Il Middle School in the middle of the second semester of the first year. He blackmailed the principal into his attendance not mattering. In this timeline, there's no reason for Donald to transfer to Yeo-Il and no reason for him to resort to blackmail,'

Devlin clenched his fist tightly. 'But...I'm worried. Donald's attending Byuksan Middle School. That's the same middle school that Oswald Yang is in. In the canon timeline, Gray didn't encounter Oswald until his third year. I've already changed the timeline, so there's a chance a butterfly effect might cause Gray to encounter that piece of shit before he did in canon. What if he decides to bully Gray earlier?'

Devlin became angrier. 'What if he decides to bully Donald? Donald is physically stronger than Oswald and his gang. He can easily beat them. But it's the backlash that would be a problem. If Donald attacks Oswald, then Oswald will have his father blacklist Donald from all the good high schools like how Gray was affected in canon,'

'I'm so angry with myself! If only I could be more useful! If only I had political power! If only I had powerful connections! If only I had enough money to bribe people! If only I had the courage and means to actually blackmail people! Then I'd be able to better protect people I care about!'

Devlin let out a defeated sigh. 'Donald was able to build his Union from nothing. He was able to build himself up from nothing. He was even able to blackmail when he was only in middle school. Even with the mind of an actual adult, I can't do something as impressive like that,'

He took a deep breath and sighed once more. 'If something does happen, the best I can do is be there for them,' He put on a happy façade as he arrived at Gray's house.


Devlin had finished publishing all sixty seven chapters of the second volume of Weak Hero. The first volume had become immensely popular and became a large fandom. People also began to draw fanart. Some of them were pretty damn accurate based on how he described the characters, but none of them ever looked exactly like the Weak Hero characters.

'I still feel kinda guilty for taking the credit of the story when it was Seopass who wrote it and Razen who illustrated it,' Devlin thought as he stretched his limbs. 'I'll go on a few months hiatus while I plan for my version of season three. I know Cheongang was going to eventually appear based on what Changhui thought when he heard of Eunjang and the Union clashing,'

"Changhui's been occupied with Cheongang-related business and Donald's busy since it's the start of the school year," Devlin said to himself. "What should I do now? I've already got a lot saved up from all my jobs so I don't need to find another job to take up my time. I guess I'll go for a walk and just wander around for a bit,"

Devlin didn't know why but...he felt uneasy. He felt as if someone, or most likely a whole group of people, were watching his every move as he walked down the street. It was the afternoon but the sun hadn't exactly set yet, so there was still some daylight left.

'Am I being paranoid or are there people following me?' Devlin thought as he decided to try to quickly turn into an alley to try to lose them.

Unfortunately for Devlin, the people watching and following him had predicted that. Someone grabbed him from behind and clamped a damp cloth over his mouth and nose.

'Is this chloroform!?' Devlin immediately felt his body go limp. 'It should take around five minutes for chloroform to knock someone out! So then why...' The men let him go and his body collapsed to the ground with a loud thud. 'Oh right...chloroform works differently here...' His eyelids started to refuse to remain open and slowly closed. 'Ben was knocked out immediately too...'


Devlin didn't know who his kidnappers were. They didn't respond when he demanded to know who they were. They also didn't seem to have kidnapped him for interrogations either since they didn't ask him any questions. Even if they did decide to ask him question, Devlin most likely would've been stubborn and refuse to speak.

All he knew was that these people wanted to hurt him. They were hurting him. The hadn't even bothered tying him up when he had woken up and immediately started ganging up on him. Of course he fought back, but these weren't amateur fighters. His opponents were all skilled street fighters and with their large numbers, they quickly overpowered him.

'Fuck! It hurts!' Devlin screamed in pain when he felt and heard one of his bones break. "AHHHHH!!!" 'Why did they target me!? I've never seen any of these people before! And it's been a while since I last got into a fight! I don't remember pissing anyone off recently!'

He sobbed as the barrage of attacks continued to rain down upon him even as he curled up in an attempt to shield himself. The pain was worse than any other pain he had experienced before, even worse than what he had suffered in that hellhole.

Devlin didn't fight against the wave of darkness that washed over him and knocked him out. At least he wouldn't be able to feel the pain while unconscious.

His assailants failed to notice that he had lost conscious and continued attacking him. They even stomped and kicked his head, laughing as he bled from his various wounds. It was only when they decided to take a break did they realize that Devlin wasn't breathing.

Word Count: 1028

Who do you think kidnapped Devlin? No, it wasn't Manwol.

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