Chapter 28

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"Ugh, that was fucking painful," Devlin groaned as he woke up. "Aw fuck, I'm in the hospital again,"

"You need to take better care of yourself," Donald told him. "Devlin, why didn't you tell me that you used to be part of Cheongang?"

"Why does it matter?" Devlin asked. 'Kenny probably told him since I doubt Changhui would,'

"You told me that you were in a fight club,"

"Fight club or gang, what difference does it make?" Devlin pointed out. "I'd still be getting into fights either way. At least with Cheongang, I made enough money so that we could live in an apartment instead of in the streets. We always had food to eat and never went to bed hungry,"

"You're too much of a goody two shoes to enjoy the gang life," Donald said. "You didn't enjoy being part of Cheongang,"

"I did what I had to do to survive," Devlin sighed. "Donald, it's all in the past. I'm no longer part of Cheongang anymore so what does it matter now?"

"You need to take better care of yourself," Donald repeated. "I don't want you to get hurt anymore. Just live a relaxed life now. I'll take care of all the bills. Just go and do whatever hobbies you have. Go and continue writing those books of yours,"

"I'm the adult here—"

"I don't want to lose you!" Donald snapped. "You no longer have to fight or worry about anything anymore. I'm already sixteen and in a few years I'll be an adult. Just live a peaceful life without any fighting or anything dangerous!"

"I don't go around starting fights—"

"Why did you go after Manwol?" Donald demanded.

"Because Kenny would've gotten seriously injured if I hadn't intervened," Devlin said. "He's my former student. I didn't want him to get hurt,"

"It's not your job to be everyone's hero!" Donald yelled. "Focus on your own safety first! I don't care if Kenny was going to get hurt. You are my brother! There are only five people I care about: myself, Kingsley, Gray, Auntie, and you,"

"I guess I just have too big of a heart," Devlin shrugged. "Did the doctor figure out why I collapsed?"

"No," Donald shook his head. "All the tests came back completely normal,"

"Maybe it's another one of those weird things like how I was completely fine after waking up from a coma," Devlin mumbled.

"Dev...please..." Donald grabbed his big brother's hand. "Please...please be more careful. I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you...I already lost mom years ago and I don't want to lose you too!"

Devlin brought his little brother into a tight hug and held him as the younger boy cried. 'I thought he'd be fine since he's now sixteen, just a year younger than he was in canon. But I forgot that he's still just a kid who actually has people he cares about. I'm his older brother and of course he'd be devastated if I got seriously hurt again. I'm the only biological family he has left,'


In one universe, Donald Na arrived to the fight between Jimmy Bae and Ben Park. He fought Ben but before he could finish things, he was interrupted by a phone call from Kingsley saying that Jake had arrived at Yeouinaru to see him. Donald would then leave and recruit Jake into the Union in exchange for destroying Manwol.

This was not that universe. In this universe, Donald Na stayed at Malkeun Hospital to watch over his brother. He never interrupted Jimmy and Ben's fight but he did eventually hear about Ben's indisputable win against Jimmy.

But Donald's main focus wasn't on Ben. He wanted to deal with Manwol. They would not get away with causing harm to his brother, even though Devlin claimed he didn't collapse because of them. It didn't change the fact that they fought against Devlin.

Jake Ji didn't join the Union, but he wanted to fight Manwol. Not only was it to ensure that they'd never attempt to hurt Kenny again, but he also felt some guilt about Devlin getting hospitalized. But there was also a third reason: Jake wanted to fight. He often hid it, but he enjoyed fighting. The adrenaline brought a manic grin to his face.

Devlin didn't mind not being a part of the fight. He had already done his part and saved Kenny while also preventing Donald from fighting Ben. He was fine just sitting on the sidelines for now. He was actually playing video games against Kingsley, Kenny, and Timothy while the Union went to fight Manwol.

"Hey Dev," Kingsley inquired. "Did you know about the Union?"

"Not until recently," Devlin claimed. "I really thought Donald just joined a fight club like I had claimed to have done too. Turns out we were both part of gangs. The difference is that he just created his own,"

"Are you upset with him?" Kingsley asked.

"A little," Devlin answered. "I'm fine with him beating up other gangs and other delinquents but I know that his gang will end up harming innocent people too. I can't be too mad at him though since it'll be hypocritical of me to do so. Also I'm kinda still dating the leader of Cheongang. I just..." He sighed loudly. "I wanted him to have a normal childhood away from all these gang activities. I didn't want him to have to deal with all this violence and crime. I failed him as an older brother,"

"You didn't fail him," Kenny told him. "He made his own choices. As older brothers, we can only advise our younger brothers. We can't control every single one of their decisions. We just have to do our best to try to keep them on the right path,"

"You're doing a way better job than I am, Kenny," Devlin deadpanned. "Mine's a gang leader. Yours doesn't want to be part of a gang,"

"He's still a bit more violent than I wanted him to be," Kenny shrugged. "He gets into lots of fights,"

"Everyone's honestly lucky that the police don't do shit in Yeongdeungpo," Devlin chuckled. "If the police were efficient, we'd have all gotten arrested already,"

Word Count: 1002

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