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The first couple of weeks were the hardest for Byeol, sleeping at night proved difficult, every time she moved her shoulder would throb in pain. The first week she spent in bed, trying to rest as much as possible, that only made her go mad.

The second week, Hyuck was able to get her out of bed, taking her to her doctor's appointment. They pulled her arm out the sling, inspected the wound, and tried to see how much rotation she had – which was not very much.

Hyuck had taken her to get an iced coffee and some ramen after, to make her feel better. There had been a couple times when the girl had completely broken down and cried into Hyuck's arms, expressing how useless she felt, not being able to use her arm.

Around the third week, she felt suffocated in her own home. She wanted to rip the walls down around her. Her mother never left, staying at the house, making her presence know. Mitzuki had managed to keep her opinions to herself until on Thursday night, when she couldn't hold it in anymore.

"You're doing it all wrong?" the older woman says, watching from the couch as Hajoon irons the clothing. Byeol is a perfectionist when it came to cleaning and clothing, she would normally do this, but because she currently can't – which was infuriating her more – Hajoon stepped up to do it.

"There's no right or wrong way to iron clothes, as long as they are straight, who cares." Hajoon replies, ironing his own work shirt.

"You need to do the arms, front, back and then the collar. Not the collar first." She corrects, standing up and looming over him, inspecting the work he was doing.

"I don't need you looming over me, Zuki-" He was cut short by a knock at the door. Before he could put the iron down, Mitzuki was at the door, opening it.

Renjun and Jaemin, stood on the other side, giving their charismatic smiles. "Hi, Ms Nakamoto. We're here to see Byeol."

"She's resting and in no shape for visitors." Mitzuki starts to say, putting on the parent act now.

"Enough mum." Yuta says, joining his mother by the door, stepping in front to great the two. "Besides, Hyuck had been here for the past few weeks. Come in, she's in her room."

"Thanks, Yuta." The duo entered the house, making their way to Byeol's room, saying 'hi' to Hajoon on the way through.

The door opened as soon as they reached, revealing a tired and slightly dishevelled looking Byeol. "Took you two long enough." She says, allowing them to walk further into her room.

It was currently a mess, clothes thrown everywhere with a few bags on her bed. She had decided it would be best for her to go stay a few nights at Hyuck's, needing to get away from her mother for a bit.

Donghyuck was currently filling in a shift at the diner for his mother, Aera had to take Aecha to the emergency room, the 12-year-old slipped in the shower and cracked open her head, needing a few stitches.

"Jaemin was in the shower when you called and he insisted on coming along, which meant I had to wait for him to get ready." The dual-toned hair boy says, making his way over to Byeol's bed and throwing himself down on the only free spot.

"Oh, so you're the reason I had to listen to my mother continue to annoy my father for longer that I would like." Byeol says, poking Jaemin in the chest.

"Where is your sling?" Jaemin asks, wondering why the girl was missing the dark material that she had been sporting the past month.

"It was making my neck itchy from the strap." She explains, closing the door with her good arm before nudging his shoulder with her own. "Don't worry, I've been holding my shirt to keep my arm in place."

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