Such a bitch - or maybe not 5

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"See you in 8 hours babe!" Niall kissed me. - Awgh I almost forgot, the guys are going in the studio today. The entire day without them. Damn.. 

"Don't look so sad," Liam said and gave me a hug.  

"Yeah, don't be. " Zayn added. 

"You won't be alone, Taylor is staying!" I was on the edge of laughing. They knew I didn't like her, but they didn't knew how much I hated her.  

"Oh yess..." I sighed. "That's going to be great!" I said sarcastically and looked at Taylor and Harry that just came out of Harrys room. They both looked really sad. When they looked at me, it was like they sent me a compassionate glance. What was going on?  

"We gotta go now," Liam said and opened the door.  

Niall waved to me before he closed the door behind him. Taylor was just standing in the hall looking at the door, just like me. Awkward.  

"Ehm, I'll go take the dishes," I informed her and walked over to the kitchen.

She ran after me and stopped me right before I walked in the kitchen.  

"No sweetie." she said with a smile, "let me do it." I looked at her for a second. To be honest I couldn't see if it was a fake smile, or if it was a real one. It actually looked like a real one. But she have faked so many smiles and sweet voices, that you can never be sure if it's a real smile or not. I laughed inside by the thought of it, haha 'Taylor being nice to Emily' lol, never gonna happen. 

"What do you want?" I snapped at her, and putted my hands on my hips. I looked in her eyes, and tried to figure her out, but she is so hard to figure out. Mostly because she have over 1000 of personalities.  

"Nothing," she said with a smile, but this time she sounded a bit hurt. Wow, was she really trying to be nice? Nah, I'm just falling in one of her traps. Whatever, if she wants to take the dishes, why should I stop her from that? Ha, less work to do for me.  

"Whatever," I mumbled and turned around. Why stop her if she wanted to do the dishes?  

But it still kinda freaked me out a bit that she were so sweet and nice to me, she usually just watched TV while I took the dishes or cleaned anything in the house. She have been here for three days, and this is the first time she actually is nice to me, and what am I doing? - I am accusing her for making up a plan to murder me. Maybe is that the reason why she isn't sweet and nice to people. But I can't take the chance! She's been bullying me my entire life.  

She always bragged about how rich she were. She always bragged about her perfect life, and always bullied me. It was either about me, and sometimes even about my mom! She told the meanest jokes about my mom, and there was this one time, that I will never forget;

I was sitting on a bench with some of my other friends(jup I had friends,) and I could see how she bullied the 'nerd' Sasha. - I knew Sasha, she was a really nice and sweet girl, but she wasn't a nerd. The only thing that described her as a 'nerd' was her glasses. I could hear how Taylor said things about her father(that was in Iraq) she said stuff like; 'You think he's in Iraq? Ha, no! He's probably just taking a pause from you. I would too if you were my daughter' she said and laughed. - her two back up friends laughed with her too. She were really like one of those bitches you see on the TV/Movies etc. the ones that bullied others and had those two/three back up friends with her all the time.  

I got really angry because she said that to Sasha. I knew how afraid Sasha was, she told me every day how afraid she was that she would never see her father again. "Taylor!" I yelled and walked over to her. I walked over to them with full confidence. 'Finally!' I thought at that moment, 'finally am I going to show her how this is working! - and I also have my friends to speak too!' I stood in front of her and got really close to her. I was the same height as her. And there we stood nose, to nose, eye to eye and sent each other death glares.  

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