Part 8

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Jakes POV

Me and Molly slowly made our way to the common room. The halls seemed quite but were busy I couldn't focus on anything else apart from Alli.

I mean I promised to always look after her and this happened, what if she doesn't wake up for a couple days? What is she doesn't wake up for weeks?

I was completely zoned out before I noticed Molly tapping me on my shoulder saying something.

"Jake, Jaaaaaaake, Hello you in there"

"Oh uh yeah, ummm what we're you saying?"

"I asked if you wanted to sleep in my room, as Mattheo is with Alli and I don't think you should stay in there alone."

"Uh sure"

We reached the common room and Molly said the password underneath her breath.

"Pure blood" she said quite no one would be able to hear her.

We passed through the common room without saying anything, once we got to the stairs Molly went in front of me and lead me to her dorm.

Once we got to her dorm she opened the door and waited for me to walk in, I slowly walked in still waiting for Alli to wake up.

After I got in I sat on Allis bed, meanwhile Molly put a locking spell and and a silencing spell on the door, so we didn't have to worry about anyone listening in on our conversation.

"Colloportus" she said looking at the door.

"Muffliato" again looking at the door.

Molly then made her way over to me and sat on the bed next to me with her hand on my shoulder. Right as she was about to say something I broke down, I'm the reason my sister isn't awake right now and sitting and laughing with us in the common room.

Molly stood up and brought me into her embrace and wrapped her arms around me, I wrapped my arms around her waist and cried into her stomach.

After 3 hours of me on and off crying I was tired, my eyes were puffy red with tear stains on my cheeks. Mollys shirt was completely soaked with tear marks all over her shirt.

"I think it's time for you to get some sleep" she says to me with sorrow eyes.

"Uh yeah sure, Ummm I know this may sound a bit weird but can I lay next to you" I say while looking down at the floor.

"Sure come over here" I sit on her bed and she gets up to go to her wardrobe.

She pulls out a hoodie that I'm pretty sure is Mattheo's cause he's been looking for that exact one for over a year now, she then gives me some baggy shorts to put on.

I go into the bathroom and change, when I come out Molly is wearing her Pyjamas which consists of a green Slytherin hoodie, black shorts and white ankle socks.

I get into the bed with her laying next to me and we both say goodnight, as I'm about to go to sleep I look at my phone to see if there's any updates about her and there's nothing.

I'm sure Mattheo will let me know when she wakes up.

Mattheo's POV

After Molly and Jake leave I'm left with her.

When I found her, she was leaned up against the tower wall with her legs, well it looked like she had her knees tucked up against her chest before passing out. Her body was all floppy on the floor. Her head was tucked into her chest. She looked like a doll.

But now that she is laying in a warm bed, her face is so calm, her cheeks have a rose colour to them and her lips are slightly parted.


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