New revelations

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Jeongin ran after Chan down the corridor who wasn't stopping despite Jeongin yelling after him.
"CHAN. CHAN. CHAN STOP FOR GODS SAKE" Jeongin yelled and Chan stopped just before the stairs.
"What do you want Jeongin?" Chan said not turning around.
"Don't do this" Jeongin said.
"Do what" Chan asked.
"This. You know exactly what your doing. You don't have to be strong for us all the time. Your human too Chan and your hurting. You need someone with you, this isn't something you should have to do alone" Jeongin said sympathetically turning Chan around.

Chan looked nothing like he did a moment ago. All emotions were now showing on his face and he was crying.
Jeongin smiled sadly and wiped away a tear from Chans cheek.
"If your going to cry your sure as hell not going to do it alone you got it" Jeongins voice was close to breaking as he put a thumbs up trying to be brave.
"Sometimes your too much" Chan laughed weakly.
"Hey I'm the Maknae on Top aren't I? You must listen to me" Jeongin said as he now began to tear up from everything and watching Chan cry.
"Who's crying now?" Chan rubbed Jeongins back.
"Oh shut up you" Jeongin laughed lightly as Chan engulfed him in a hug and they both began hugging and crying into each other arms while they stood in silence allowing the emotions and physical contact to speak for them.

"I will stay with Seungmin tonight" Felix said after two of the members had left the room.
"I'll stay with you" Hyunjin said.
Nobody bothered to object because they all wanted to stay with Seungmin but they knew all of them crowding the room would make it for difficult for the doctor and nurses to keep checking on him.

Jisung and Minho didn't leave until it was well into the evening. It was almost morning when Minho had managed to get Jisung out of that room. They walked up the stairs and Jisung was yawning profusely. As they walked down the corridor Minho watched Jisung eyes keep opening and shutting.
He took a step back grabbed Jisung waist and pulled him up and held him in his arms.
"What are you doing?" Jisung said surprised.
"Your asleep on your feet just let me carry you" Minho said and began walking down the corridor.
Jisung would have refused but he was drained. He let his head fall into Minhos chest. He closed his eyes and let the soft swing of his body in Minhos arms do the rest. He was asleep before they even made it to their room.

Minho carefully opened the door and placed Jisung on the bed. He took of Jisung's trousers and top then tucked him into the bed and put the covers over him. He put his bedside lamp on the lowest setting and got ready for bed not wanting to wake the younger.
He got into bed and turned the light off the moved over to Jisung's side of the bed and snaked his arms around him and held him close.
He nuzzled his head into Jisung's neck and fell asleep keeping the person his loved the most as close as his could. Protecting him from the world and his nightmares.

The next morning Jisung woke up and looked next to him to see Minho asleep with his face fully into the pillow. He was wondering how Minho could breath before he pulled his arms free from Minhos grasp and grabbed his phone on the nightstand. He opened it and began a search.

Last night he had made a decision in his head. He told himself he would complete it no matter what. He would do it as long as it took. He'd had enough of feeling weak and having everyone else have to come and save him then hurting themselves. He would make himself stronger, strong enough to do what he never could before.

Hours had passed and Jisung was still on his phone. Minho had finally begun to wake up and turned to the side so he could see Jisung and opened his eyes.
"What you doing?" Minho groaned slightly as the light hit his face.
"Just looking for something" Jisung said concentrating.
"Something such as?" Minho sat up slightly.
"Nothing much really but I don't think I can find it" Jisung sighed and turned off his phone and put it to the side.
"I see your finally awake though" Jisung chuckled but was deep down happy that Minho was able to get some sleep. Everyone was worried for Seungmin and Minho found it difficult to sleep.

He dragged Minho up and tried his best to make the day as fun as possible for both of them to try and get their minds off of Seungmin. They all knew in a few days Seungmin would need to come out of the coma and no one wanted to think about what would happen if it went wrong.
They spent the day together and some of the members popped in at times and it seemed everyone was doing the same thing. Trying to distract their minds from their worries.

While Minho was fighting Chan over the plush bunny that turned into a carrot, Jisung checked his phone again as he received a message. What he had been looking for had been found. He checked the message and thanked the person who sent it to him and transferred them some money.
He made his decision and now he just needed to get ready for it.

He put down his phone and didn't check it again. He had no need to anymore and just spent the day with the gang.
They kept it very busy until by the time it got for them to sleep everyone passed out from exhaustion. Jisung smiled as he kept himself in Minhos arms. This was the happiest he had been in a while.

Throughout the next day Jisung had peeled Felix away from Hyunjin to do some sparring with him.

"What's with the sudden want to spar Jisung? We haven't done this in a while" Felix asked swinging a high leg at Jisung's face.
"Feeling a bit rusty" Jisung said stepping backwards lowering his head as Felix's foot came flying past.
"Whatever floats your boat" Felix shook his shoulders.
"You can't say you didn't want to let off a little steam yourself" Jisung took a step forward flinging out his fist.
"True" Felix caught Jisung fist and twisted him over his back and onto the floor "but your not much of a challenge are you?".
"Heeeey" Jisung laid on his back and put his hand to his heart at Felix's teasing remark "just you wait".

Jisung swivelled around and stood back up.
They both walked around each other testing them and stayed back. That was until Felix made the first move. He lunged forward with a fist and Jisung dodged and threw a kick towards Felix. Felix twisted to the side avoiding it and tried a kick himself. Jisung allowed it to connect but grabbed it and pulled Felix forward. Felix yelled as Jisung twisted him onto the ground and fell on top of him.
Jisung moved to the side and sat up.
"I won. I knocked you to the ground" Jisung said happily out of breath.
"You fell too though so technically its a draw" Felix said sitting up as well.
"Shush. I won" Jisung said and stood up happily and helped Felix up.

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