Big sister?

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" sweets...?" Y/N thoughtfully muttered.

"Coming through!!!" A high pitched voice dragged out her squealed behind the door to Y/N's room. Suddenly, the shoji door slammed open breaking on impact. 

'Wow, strong.' Y/N thought in awe.

 Then, there she was. Her savior. Her eyes were closed as she was barely sweating and facing the ground. She was panting heavily with an exhausted look on her face. Her usually tame bi-colored braids, now tattered and coming undone. 

"Hey-" Y/N began, eager to talk to the girl, but was quickly cut off. Mitsuri let out a shrill gasp, ran over to Y/N and grabbed her shoulders. She started to lightly shake her, however she clearly did not have any cruel intentions while doing so. 

"Are you okay?! Oh, you poor, cute little thing! I'm so sorry! I couldn't save you and your family in time! I wanted to see you but had to train with my mentor! I finished but as soon as I did I saw Miss Kocho's crow tell me you had woken up so I had to rush to you! I'm so glad you're safe and sound!" She had managed to say in all one breath letting it out in one big breath at the end. She had small tears in her eyes at the end of her speech. She really held that much sympathy for you?

  She realized that she was progressively shaking Y/N harder by the end of her speech with Y/N waving around like a rag doll staring at her with dot eyes. She quickly stopped and hugged Y/N. The younger girl quickly hugged back to feel her warmth, the kind a big sister would give you. The one where you would wrap up to each other next to the blazing fire on a snowy night in the midst of a harsh winter. As badly as you didn't want to leave that warmth, the least you could do was pull away and thank her.

  Y/N slightly pulled away from her embrace, "Thank you, so much for saving me. I owe you everything. How do I ever repay you?" She asked, bowing her head slightly.

"Oh! No, no, no, no, you don't have to repay me anything just getting to save you and a miracle and blessing in itself!" She ranted and smiled, waving her arms about cartoonishly.

  She sat down on a chair in front of the window next to Y/N's bed. She began smoothing her thick, long braids, as she smiled and looked out the window. A small breeze came in and tossed around her bangs in the process.

'She's beautiful.' Y/N then became undeniably and disgustingly aware of how ragged she must look right now. She hadn't taken a shower in a week, she most likely had large dark bags under her eyes, her hair stuck to her face, and her breath probably smelled awful. She slightly turned her face and body away from Mitsuri. Her face had become red by the minute in embarrassment. After Mitsuri finished grooming herself, she turned to Y/N to only see her red tinged ears, hair covering her face. Mitsuri guessed she felt uncomfortable so she started up a conversation.

"Ah, so what's your name? I never got it y'know!" She smiled sweetly. The youthful girl slowly turned to her, face still slightly red, now more pink, like the cherry blossoms in spring. 

"Oh! ...U-um, Y/N L/N." Y/N sputtered out. 

'Aw, so adorable!' Mitsuri fangirled in her mind.

"Lovely! Did you get my letter too? If you're feeling better and up to it we can go walk around the garden here! Ooh! And maybe we can grab a bite to eat! Oh, I know! How about a picnic! I bet you'd like that!" Mitsuri declared while beaming. Y/N stared at her for a second processing the information Mitsuri just spouted. Mitsuri then realized and blushed furiously, embarrassed about her inward thoughts of spending time with the girl. 

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