My Own? p2

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  "I think that's a wonderful idea!" Mitsuri exclaimed, visibly delighted. She placed the remaining plate and chopsticks on the table, now seen with three chairs instead of two. Mitsuri's estate was pretty open, and quite sizable as well. The table was in the corner of the room with a shoji window next to it, allowing the illuminating light to come in.  Across from the table were shoji doors that led to the enagawa outside. There was one arch leading out of the room and into a hallway which led to the bedrooms Mitsuri and Y/N occupied. The rest of the room was dressed in beams and plants with a bigger kitchen in it too.

"Ah- uh- really?" Y/N questioned with excitement hinted in her voice. Putting the rest of the sweet potatoes in the middle of the table.

"Yes, of course! I'm basically open to anything! We should definitely make a garden! A big, beautiful, bountiful one!" Mitsuri shouted. Her arms waving around, stretching her arms as far out as they could go to exaggerate. 

Y/N could be seen with a child-like gleam in her eyes. The way she looked at the moment was so pure and Mitsuri couldn't get enough. 

'She really is just like him... I hope she'll accept the offer... she has too! I mean, I don't see why not... other than the... life threatening situations-uh... But! No more negative thinking! Think. Positive, Mitsuri!' Mitsuri had a conversation with herself in her mind.

"Alright! Well our guest will arrive soon, so I think this is the time that I should tell you that he's my-" Mitsuri was suddenly cut off by a tapping on the enagawa outside. Mitsuri gasped and headed to the shoji doors quickly. However, Y/N stayed frozen in her spot, her pupils shrinking.

'What... the hell is with this aura?! It's overwhelming! Exactly who is this person? Is this whoever the hell Mitsuri was talking about? It feels like the strong aura a demon gives off, but different...It couldn't be a demon anyway though...Mitsuri told me they only roam at night. It's not menacing, but I don't trust it either.' Y/N's once child-like expression turned into one of seriousness. Her gaze half-lidded, with a piercing look. Y/N was about to turn around and warn Mitsuri about the dangerous aura, but it was too late. Mitsuri rapidly slided the shoji doors open and ran outside. 

"Rengoku!" She shouted ecstatically. 

  Y/N paid no attention to her shout of glee and followed on instinct, dashing out onto the enagawa. She looked at the scene before her and slightly gaped. 

  Mitsuri had her arms draped around the neck of a man with bright, fiery, hair. His hair reminded Y/N of the hottest flame, burning brightly, never wavering. She saw an unrelenting spirit within him and his fiery eyes. He was happily laughing and hugging her lightly as well. He had a uniform on, similar to what Mitsuri was wearing the night she saved Y/N. Except this uniform had pants and was much less revealing. Mitsuri was giggling as she got off of the man and turned to the other girl she lived with. Mitsuri's smile was quickly wiped off her face and instead sweatdropped when she saw Y/N. The fire man, as Y/N referred to him as, also turned to see the young girl in the brown shoji doorway. 

  Y/N arms were crossed, less in a sassy way, but more for self protection. Y/N was unconsciously glaring coldly at the fire man while leaning on the frame of the door. His owl like gaze meeting hers, the cheerful smile that could light up a gloomy room, never leaving his face. 

'Does he not care or can he not read the room?' Y/N bitterly thought.

  The fire man, introduced himself after a moment of silence, "My name is Kyojuro Rengoku! May I ask for yours young one!" He boomed still smiling.

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