Deep Throat

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Star quickly hurried over and hugged Scully's legs.

Scully looked up, startled from the file she had been reading, only to smile at the young girl. "Hi," she looked up to see Mulder. "I got your message,"

"Sorry for the runaround," Mulder apologized. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"It's 2:00 in the afternoon, Agent Mulder,"

"That's not stopping the rest of these people. I got something to show you,"

"Something you couldn't show me at work?"

"Let's get a table,"


Mulder handed Star her coloring supplies as he handed Scully a personnel file. "That's Colonel Robert Budahas. "That photo was taken last year when he was a test pilot for the military stationed at Ellens Air Base in southwest Idaho. Four months ago, Colonel Budahas experienced a psychotic episode and barricaded himself in his home. The military police were called in. Budahas was removed and apparently hospitalized for the treatment of his condition,"

"Which was what exactly?" Scull questioned.

"The military will not comment on the cause, nature, or status. In fact, the military will not comment on Colonel Budahas at all,"

"What do you mean?"

"Mrs. Budahas has neither seen nor heard from her husband in over four months. Her inquiries to the military have gone unanswered. Last month, she contacted the FBI and reported it as a kidnapping,"

"What reason would the military have to kidnap one of their pilots?"

"That's the $64,000 question, Scully." Mulder handed her another file "Since 1963, six pilots have been listed missing in action from Ellens Air Base. The military will say only that these pilots accepted the risks of flying experimental aircraft,"

"Yeah, there are rumors those pilots were shot down at high altitudes while they were routinely penetrating Russian airspace,"

"There were other rumors, too," Star signed, causing Mulder to smirk.

"I've been tracking this case since it came through the Boise regional office last month. Last week, for reasons I can't figure out, it was deprioritized. They shelved this case without an investigation, Scully,"

"So..." Scully mused.

"So, you, Star, and I are going to the Spud State to investigate a little kidnapping,"

Scully shook her head. "I don't get it, Mulder. Does this have something to do with an X-File? I thought you only liked those paranormal-type cases. Am I missing something here?"

Star smiled smugly at Mulder.

"Let's just say this case has a...distinct smell to it," Mulder reasoned. "A certain paranormal bouquet,"

Star stood up, thinking they were leaving.

"Bathroom," Mulder signed to Star.


Mulder washed his face only to look up in shock as a man stood behind him.

"Leave this case alone, Agent Mulder," The man declared.

"What?" Mulder asked.

"The military will not tolerate an FBI investigation,"

"Who are you?"

"I, uh...can be of help to you. I've had a certain interest in your work, especially the little girl that tags along,"

"How do you know about Star?"

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