Number Two

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(Spiderman does not belong to me!)

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Secreto de Amor
By Joan Sebastian.

"Delante de la gente no me mires No suspires no me llames Aunque me ames. Delante de la gente soy tu amigo Hoy te digo, que castigo."

I can hear the snapping of strings that make up the web. Most of the strings are sturdy because they're intertwined with more than one, but obviously, there had to be flaws, it was only inevitable those thin strands couldn't hold that many tons.

"[Y/n]! Hold on for a little more!"

I don't bother looking at the man on my right telling me to hold on, instead I focus on the stinging pain coming from my bleeding palms. I know I should focus on his voice for it would be the thing that was supposed to ground me the most, though the pain seemed to draw me back in like a sweet yet poisonous lullaby- or even Snow white's apple.

I groan as my body weight is dragged even more onto the edge. I've been holding the helicopter for too long, my muscles have gotten tense and my knees were beginning to lock in. I manage to keep my legs bent, closing my eyes from under the mask and trying to regulate my breathing- it was just like working out, I reminded myself.

The strings manage to hold on a little more, enough for all  four of us to decide it was steady on the spiderweb. With a final sigh I stick them-the strings- onto the railing. I look down at my blood filled nails, cringing and feeling my hands go limp as a result at the icky sight- im gonna have to clean them later.

"[Y/n], come on,"

Miguel ushers me to an open portal, the vulture underneath one of his arms, but it seemed like he was the least of his worries, Miguel's eyes clearly- even if hidden under the holographic mask- on my red stained palms.


He looks at my hands. I don't mind though-not if it's with him. Even if I had help, I held onto the helicopter the longest, I was bound to get the most tired or drained from holding that type of mass up.

"It's okay O'hara."

I reassure him, trying play it off like nothing with a melancholy smile, and by now I know he probably looks disappointed under his mask. What I don't know is that he holds care in his eyes underneath mask. Again, he was a difficult man to read no matter what, an enigma like I said before.

"Come on lovebirds, lets go."

My breath catches at the- painfully obvious- call out from Jess, my face heating up as I take more than a step back from Miguel, his disappointment from the space I put between us going absolutely unnoticed. I look over at Jess, giving her a look- the look that meant to stop making me act like some kid with a stupid crush, and in return she just laughs and drives into the portal back home.

I take one last glance at Miguel, the longing ever so clear even if I was hidden by my mask- a constant reminder of professionalism that could not be breached, a reminder of the vulnerability I wouldn't allow, and all out of fear. He follows in suit not long after.

I think about Gwen as we let ourselves be carried off by the portal, maybe I should ask them to recruit her. In reality I just wanted her to go on missions with others so she wouldn't have to deal with the burdens of being a masked hero all alone, and she would be great help- she was definitely skilled.

"Can't we recruit Gwen?"

Miguel sighs, I bet he'll say no.


   Jess sharply turns her head back at Miguel's response, a look of offense and bewilderment painting her face in a comedic manner, did Miguel say no to her?

Spider man : Across the Spiderverse (Under Editing!)Where stories live. Discover now